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    File Streaming (I/O)

    Recently I ran into a problem where I used the "Microsoft Scriptlet Library" to create external files and write content to them as part of an HL7 messaging integration. The problem with this approach is that the default encoding used when writing strings to these files was UTF-8 (a two bit...
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    Record sets

    I have what I think should be a relatively simple task that is particularly difficult to implement. I'm using a VBA module to dynamically build a SQL statement and assign it to the strSQL variable. SELECT EIWS_PFC_SURVEY_STANDARDIZED.* , EIWS_PFC_SURVEY_PERSON.Event ...
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    TCP Post via VBA

    I need to post simple strings (actually HL7 messages) to a remote server via a TCP post using a named IP address and designated port. My goal here is to do this natively, using VBA, rather than introduce 3rd party "helper" tools. Composing the string is simple enough, but I am looking for some...
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    Form Save Failure

    ENVIRONMENT I have a form created with MS Access 2K that is now being used from MS Access 2010. File is stored on a network share and opened on client computers. BEHAVIOR One of the text box controls on one form just started showing 'name?' as the displayed value instead of a street address...
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    Help: Static shell function call works, but dynamic call fails

    I'm having to recode some old MS Access DBs so they will run in the following environments: Office 2000 on WinXP Office 2003 on WinXP Office 2010 on WinXP Office 2000 on Win7 Office 2003 on Win7 Office 2010 on Win7 When I wrote my code for Office 2000 on WinXP things were simple because...
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    DDL: Rename Column Help

    Is there a way to rename a column in VBSQL? I've tried using Oracle/MySQL syntax without luck. Any help with syntax would be appreciated. ALTER TABLE tblTest RENAME COLUMN MyMemo TO MyMemoRenamed; I need to rename a column as part of an update and was hoping to put all of the updates in...
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    HELP: MS Access-Oracle-MS Excel Integration corrupts date values

    I have a problem where I dynamically write a piece of SQL and then pass that SQL straight through to Oracle using VBA code to open a new Oracle connection. All works fine here. Oracle then returns a result set that gets written to an ADODB recordset object. All works fine here. The results...
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    1004: Application-defined or object-defined error

    I've got a block of code that inconsistently generates the following error when exporting data to MS Excel. ENVIRONMENT MS Access 2000 Windows XP METHOD (1) VBA module connects directly to an Oracle 11g back end table and creates a recordset. (2) Record set results are used to populate an...
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    ODBC Connection Parameters Explained

    I'm trying to understand how to read/set an ODBC connection string from MS Access. Could anyone help explain the parameters that are used when establishing a connection? Here are the parameters: 'ODBC = connection type 'DSN = data source name 'DBQ = database name 'APA = 'QTO = 'FRC = 'FDL =...
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    Stored procedure and Oracle

    I have a block of VBA code that provides search functionality within an MS Access 2000 database. The end user needs to query a linked Oracle data table that I cannot access. I was able to create link to the Oracle 11g table, then copy the table structure and data to a local MS Access table for...
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    Procedure query writes wrong values - HELP

    I'm trying to use a procedure to write phone numbers to a text field and unable to have the phone number post correctly. Duplicating the query in the pure query environment writes the wrong value to the table too. Here is the SQL as simplified as it can be to duplicate the behavior...
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    DDL to create table field validation rule

    BACKGROUND I'm in the process of migrating a flat database application to a relational system. As part of this effort I need to build scripts to create a new relational data model and migrate data. ENVIRONMENT MS Access 2000 APPROACH I'm using DDL to define new table structures, migrate...
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    using a Batch file to delete external files

    BACKGROUND: I have an external batch file that is called by MS Access. This backup file makes a copy of the calling MS Access file every time the database is opened. GOAL: What I want to do is now modify the batch file to delete old backups. NAMING CONVENTION: All bacup files are...
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    yet another APPEND query Key Violation...

    I've reviewed a lot of posts about this problem, but haven't found anything that works for me. No matter what field I pick, I am unable to append values from the source table TBMain to the destination table t10_Person. All records intended to be appended are selected only once, and all 22K...
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    scheduling automated database polling

    I would like to develop a MS Access utility that polls an external Oracle database for new records, extracts and processes information from new records in the Oracle environment. (1) I understand how to build a select statement that will look for records where the auto incrementing value in...
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    directory polling

    I would like to develop an MS Access utility that polls an 'input' directory for new files. When files are detected, I want MS Access to open the file, extract content, then move the file to either a 'processed' directory or 'error' directory. (1) I'm unsure how to have MS Access poll a...
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    Question Opening an MDB in "normal" mode

    Opening an MDB in "normal" mode I have some MS Access databases that are shared by several users. There is a need to keep thiese databases in MDB format, but the problem is that users will often open the databases in "Exclusive" mode, and then no one else will be able to use the DB...
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    MS Excel Charts from MS Access

    HISTORY: I've been working on creating MS Excel charts from MS Access as the closing piece of more than 3K lines of code used to generate a single complex report. Unfortunately, I have not been able to figure out how to define the data range in my code. I can dynamically define data series and...
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    Error 1004: Method "ChartWizard' of object '_Chart' failed

    Error 1004: Method "ChartWizard' of object '_Chart' failed I get this error when I try to run a code snippet for creating a graph in MS Excel. Not surprisingly, Using the MS Access VBA Object Browser, I find that the method Chart Wizard is present within the Excel library Chart Class. I...
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    Number of Rows and Columns in MS Excel Export

    I've written VBA code to export MS Access data to MS Excel. I'm now working on making MS Excel Charts based upon this data, but am having a heck of a time defining the data range for the chart because the number of rows of data will constantly change. Is there a good way to have MS Excel...
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