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    combo text in report

    Hi All, I have a form that i want to print in to a report. i have set the report up and it works ok i am just having trouble with a look up field in the table that will only produce the value not the associated text. the lookup field is a combo box on the form that pulls from another table it...
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    Stock Control Database

    Thanks Dave and Spoole, The Sample is not what i am after i want to be able to just have a list of products and just type in the amount counted like the spreadsheet. is there any way that you can all the products from one table to a sub form say based on the week start date? if there is no...
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    Stock Control Database

    Hi Spoole, Thanks for the info have you got a sample of this just strugaling a bit to understand what you mean also i am having problems bringing all the products in to the form so all i need to do is add the amount of stock we have in. as we need to do a closing stock at the end of the week...
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    Stock Control Database

    Hi All, I am looking for some help on creating a stock control database. I have looked at the templates online and cant find one that helps me create what i want. I need the system to produce a consumtion report off this is the opening stock figure(this is the previous weeks closing stock)...
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    outputting value from listbox to text box

    Hi all, I am wondering if it is possible to have a value put in a text box in a datagrid from a Listbox. I have a recipe database and i want to be able to quickly select items out of a list box for each supplier which needs to be filtered through a combobox. once double clicked the item needs...
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    Data selection based on system date

    Hi Bob, would this work with the system date so all i would need to do is tie it in to a command button so when i click it, it would print the report with the actual figures up to todays date then add the forecasted figures after todays date. and how would i do this in a report so it would...
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    Data selection based on system date

    Hi All, I have been asked at work to create a report that uses actual data and forcasting data. This will be monthly figures entered in to the database, from this we would like it to produce a year to date figure based on the current date and then projected earnings figure based on current...
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    Availability and suitablity search

    Hi all, wondering if someone could help me i am wanting to do a search for room availabilty and suitability but haven't got a clue on where to start i want to search through all the rooms we have but through the input of 2 pieces of information these will be date required and numbers attending...
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    Login of users and super users

    To be honest i have not been doing much past few weeks as had alot on with work so have put the self taught programming on the back burner for a while.
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    Login of users and super users

    Thank you speakers_86 looks just like what i want will try it out. Thanks again.
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    Login of users and super users

    Hi Might be a Thread in here with this but wouldn't have a clue what to put in to get a result so here i go. I have a database system in 2003 2000 compatable and i want the user to be a ble to login to there personal area so they can request days off and request holidays, ect. I also want my...
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    Room booked checker

    Thank you for the advice will take a look was just scroling through the links not doing a actual search.
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    Room booked checker

    Hi All, I am building a database and am wondering if it would be possible and how this would be done, to have a room locked out so it can't selected reducing it from being double booked out. This needs to be checked by date and time as we book a room for a time frame and the room can be booked...
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    new record once new employee added

    what i have is a form with multipul records on it and this is then linked back to an employee table through the employeeID the weekstartdate links back to the takings table. what i want is to have all the employees names put in a table then this will populate the employeeID in the labour table...
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    Filter and send mail

    Hi, think i am getting there have tried to do this in the filter condition in the DoCmd bit to try and stream line the code a bit but comes up with type miss match not sure what is wrong this is filtered through a query then shown in a report is there a diffrent process to this or is it the...
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    new record once new employee added

    Hi Pat, Thanks for your help on this matter this is for a kitchen so all the staffs hours would be filled in by one person this would then be collated and sent to my self to keep a trak of the hours. how would this button collate the information from staff table would you have to wirte it...
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    Filter and send mail

    Hi All, I am trying to send a filtered report with on record on it for takings and sickness i can filter through macro but cant get it to send the report by e-mail if it can be done through macro please let me know. if not i want to do it through vba but am having problems in creating the...
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    new record once new employee added

    so how would this be represented in a form if i have say 10 staff and and i have a new employee start would i have to update the form or would there be some code that would check for current employees and then alter the form to suit this?. Regards Aidan
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    new record once new employee added

    Hi all, I am wondering if it is possible and how it would be done that if a new employee is entered in to a database table that it will add a new record in another table so we can enter in the hours that they do each week the date will act as the unique identifier through out the database as...
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    Restaurant Ordering database

    Hi there, Little unsure if this post is gone or if origonal poster is checking still but there are many systems on the market that offer this type of functionality in fact designed and worked with programmers to create one. as for the steak cooking method we used pop up boxes to which had the...
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