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  1. G

    Page header only on first page of a group

    There should be a group you use for each letter rightto determine who gets one correct?? Just put it in the group header for that group.
  2. G

    Query dates saved as text...

    That means you have nulls in your date text column. In that case do this CDATE(NZ(yourdate,0)) for the expression field in the query.
  3. G

    Query dates saved as text...

    It doesn't have to be converted first, you can have the expression field on it's own and then filter it by typing into the criteria between now() -25 and now() for the field.
  4. G

    Query dates saved as text...

    Just type what I mentioned into a field in a query that has your date field.
  5. G

    Grouping and Summing Query Results

    Create a column called Count and give it a value of 1. Then turn grouping on, group by your calculated age column and summarize by the count column. This will give you the total count of members for each age group.
  6. G

    Focus Problem

    Or you could have a hidden calculated field with this function in it that calculates at the record level as a running sum and pull that out onto your main form, making the calculation real time per record instead of calculating everything in the entire recordset over everytime you make a change.
  7. G

    Query dates saved as text...

    Just do a CDATE(yourdatefield) and then filter this by your range.
  8. G

    UNION Query

    Yeah something like SELECT [IKON WE061109].<fieldName> as Field1 FROM [IKON WE061109] UNION SELECT [Manual WE061109].<fieldName> as Field1 FROM [Manual WE061109]; would work.
  9. G

    Access to MSSQL connection across domains

    Use: SERVER=<IPADDRESS>\<ServerName>,1433
  10. G

    Access 2007 Runtime Reports

    One of the versions probably has a toolbar that shouldn't be open. It's trying to print the form instead of the report.
  11. G

    Null checkboxes are grey

    Or set the default value of the field in the table to zero. This is the preferred method.
  12. G

    Access to Sql Server, how to keep autonumber

    or you could do it manually.
  13. G

    Splitting Fields out of one row into Multiple Rows

    Another way to do this that is very easy is just create yourself another table called expand with one field called "expandnumber". In this table give this field three values, 1,2,3. Create a query with both this table and your other data table in it. Don't link the tables. This will create a...
  14. G

    Filter out Records

    Use a query with a calculated field in it and your string. In the calculated field, type something like this IIF(instr(yourstringfield,"string") <> 0 or instr(yourstringfield,"string") <>0, 1,0) Then in the criteria for this field, use 0. The "string" is the search string in your field...
  15. G

    Auto Increment for non integer ?

    I've handled this by having a separate table for "starting" numbers. Then just write code everytime you add a new invoice (through clicking the add button on your form) to go to this table, grab the string, add 1 to it, use this for your key, then replace the string in the starting numbers...
  16. G

    Need to run a custom query and export it to excel?

    DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "qryname", acFormatXLS, "filename", True
  17. G

    report subtotals

    Any nulls in your data? wrap an NZ(data,0) around all of your components.
  18. G

    update query to convert text field mmddyy to mm/dd/yyyy

    If you're trying to run an update on a text field to convert your data to date/time you can't do that. You are not allowed to change a field's datatype with an update query. What are you trying to use this information for? What you can do is create an expression field in an existing query that...
  19. G

    Covert US Dates to EU Dates

    Format(CDate(Datestring),"dd/mm/yyyy") where Datestring is the string coming in from your data. If it is already in date time format, then just use: Format(Date,"dd/mm/yyyy")
  20. G

    update query to convert text field mmddyy to mm/dd/yyyy

    Cdate does precisely that. Try it.
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