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  1. C

    SQL creates un-editable records...

    Ok, I'll start by admitting my SQL-fu is weak, and I tend to just edit what I get from the query designer, it seems to work out *most* of the time... I have a bunch of MYOB table data, I need to compare tables and remove old records from one based on criteria from the other. Here's the rub...
  2. C

    Clearing collections

    I think this should be easy; for some reason it isn't. I'm trying to clear an existing class collection. To start with : lngIndex = 1 For lngIndex = 1 To colBars.Count colBars.Remove (lngIndex) Next lngIndex has interesting results. watching it under action, what happens is it works...
  3. C

    Too Many Controls...Workaround Ideas?

    I'm working on plant management software for the company database... Its a very robust database that does a great deal...this is the next hurdle and probably the hardest, if only due to memory management. We have a bunch of machines and we want to track where and when they are working into the...
  4. C

    PTRSafe Question? 32/64 bit office question

    Well...I think it is a PTRSafe Question anyway... :) I have a large, complex VBA driven database I develop at work. Its all written by me except a bit of API code I found license free on the net for calling windows open file dialog boxes. Anyway, its suddenly come to my (urgent) attention that...
  5. C

    form printing for no good reason....

    I'm so lost on this one. I have a claim form; you fill it in, hit submit and it copies data to the report for printing. the only way to do it is in dialog mode; i need background code to halt while they fill in the form and wait for the submit button to be pressed. frankly, i'm having trouble...
  6. C

    passing field and control names as variables

    i have a very complex claim sheet i'm trying to code.... i want the code as efficient as i can so i'm trying to make a routine that does all the work for each line that i can re-use. to do this i REALLY need to be able to pass names for controls and fields as variables (this never seems to work...
  7. C

    excel / access question

    i've linked data from excel spreadsheets often to my database; wondering if there is any way to pause for user input? i need to open the sheet and have the user select a cell or 2; the spreadsheets are dynamic and no way to predict which cell the data will be in.
  8. C

    odd error

    anyone see a problem with this: Dim rstClaimsAndVaries As DAO.Recordset Set rstClaimsAndVaries = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("qryCurrentVariation") ???? i use it all over and just got an error: "Error Type: Too few parameters. Expected 1" its part of the code below; when i go to debug it...
  9. C

    error message makes no sense to me....

    ok. i have code doing lots of stuff, i've include the offending script to be as clear as possible. Here is the problem: code comes up with an error: "Error Type: Update or CancelUpdate without AddNew or Edit" Prob is i'm NOT UPDATING A RECORDSET!! and it doesn't stop and debug i had to step...
  10. C

    exporting reports as pdf from vba?

    i know this is a new feature in 2010; the help files don't seem to detail it at all. anyone here have any experience yet automating the pdf export from vba? i'm sure its not that hard, just haven't done it yet. thanks guys as always :)
  11. C

    suppressing warning?

    if i do this: DoCmd.RunSQL "Delete * from tblOutlookFolders" it prompts the user to confirm??? don't really want it to. anyone know a way round this? is just a temp table to hold values for a minute.
  12. C

    outlook folders

    OK, trying to import and attach emails from outlook to my access dBase. have working code to do it, but need to give the user a way to only link emails related to a specific project. I've been toying with the idea of using subfolders, ie emails related to job 096 live in the 096 subfolder in...
  13. C

    using the acDialog mode on forms`

    ok, did some reading on loading forms in the acDialog setting. all SEEMED to make sense. as i understand it, u call a form to dialog mode like this: DoCmd.OpenForm "frmModClaimOrVariSelector", acNormal, , , , acDialog and when the user his the ok button the form does a behind the scenes...
  14. C

    date sorting in query?

    i've hit a bit of frustration here, thought i would throw it to the group. i have a form with some dates on it, you hit the button and the next form interprets the dates and filters results on a between date to date basis. I'm international btw, so it gets a bit confusing. once you have...
  15. C

    which event....?

    i have a datasheet(see attached jpgs if ya like) which if you click on the "description" field will open the relevant form with the record. far lol. this was easy; a simple onclick macro solved it. now i need to adjust the color of description based on the time it was entered -...
  16. C

    object not defined???

    i've been trying to copy all objects from 1 database to another to tidy it up. all went well but when i try to compile it stops at Dim xlApp As excel.Application 'stops here Dim xlWb As excel.Workbook Dim xlWs As excel.Worksheet Set xlApp = New excel.Application now...
  17. C

    seems slow

    i've been "growing" a database. build a bit, get feedback, build more on request. working good but notice that forms seem to take forever to save and change between modes, any ideas?
  18. C

    2010 f@#$@#$@!

    they removed the calendar control and snapshot viewer from 2010 access. both are problems for me....yuck!!! i know snapshot def gone, anyone figured a way to reference and get the calendar back yet?
  19. C

    filter string question

    ok i'm stumped here: this filter list on query ok, JobNumber Like '001*' And ActivityDate Between #1/01/1950# And #30/06/2010# but this one isn't: JobNumber Like '001' Or JobNumber Like '001-*' And ActivityDate Between #1/01/1950# And #30/06/2010# Can't see it myself. works in QBE grid but...
  20. C

    between date to date in vba(syntax)

    couple of quick questions....(same project as last time to those who helped) all going great, trying to sort the (now working) results a little more, first was by job number, now needs to be by job number and a DATE RANGE. was originally filtering my recordset (successfully) with this (the...
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