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  1. J

    Sequel statement error

    Hello By trying various combinations I arrived at a solution that seems to work in all cases CODE firstdateminus1 = DateAdd("d", -1, rstemp!resdate) lastdateplus2 = DateAdd("d", 2, rstemp!reedate) devent = rstemp1!evdate If...
  2. J

    Sequel statement error

    Thank you John
  3. J

    Sequel statement error

    Re: Sequel statement error in date comparison additional problems Hello After taking your advice I found the following code to format the date/time variables properly: Function SQLDate(varDate As Variant) As String 'Purpose: Return a delimited string in the date format used natively by...
  4. J

    Sequel statement error

    Hello The example code in your link solved my problem. The error was caused by date compatibility issues with regional date/time format. Thanks very much John
  5. J

    Sequel statement error

    The query returned the same wrong results as the VB 6.0 program John
  6. J

    Sequel statement error

    I will check now Thank you John
  7. J

    Sequel statement error

    Hello I am writing a program in VB 6.0 using a Access mdb database file. I am trying to retrieve records from a table, where the date of the records falls between 2 given dates from a record in a different table. The code is returning the wrong records. this is an example of the data...
  8. J

    Importing ASCII Data

    Hello again After reading your last reply I put the code for Access in a module in the .mdb file. The other part of the code went on to my form in VBA for AutoCad. It worked the first time out. Ran about 3 times faster than what I was doing before. I have Access installed on my computer...
  9. J

    Importing ASCII Data

    Hello, 1st, thanks for a quick reply. 17 seconds is much much faster! I hope that I can make your code work in Access. I once took a MS course in programming Access with VBA using Access 97. Since then I have only used VBA inside of AutoCad or VB 6.0 to use Access database files, so Access...
  10. J

    Importing ASCII Data

    Hello, I am writing using VBA inside of autocad or VB 6.0. (So I may be in the wrong place). From either environment I import data to an Access .mdb file. The data is in text files separated by either commas or spaces (fixed width columns). My problem is that these files are very large and...
  11. J

    sql problem in vb 6.0

    The solution is % instead of *. Note is a text field and there are 2 instances of fish, both records are now being returned to the datagrid Thank you both very much John
  12. J

    sql problem in vb 6.0

    >>> SELECT tblFolders.FolderName, tblFolders.Note From tblFolders WHERE (((tblFolders.Note) Like '*fish*')); This is what was in the box, but no returned records John
  13. J

    sql problem in vb 6.0

    Hello I have a database with one table, the table has 3 fields, including the key index field. I wrote a query in the Access query designer. The sql view of the query looks like this: SELECT tblFolders.FolderName, tblFolders.Note FROM tblFolders WHERE (((tblFolders.Note) Like "*fish*"))...
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