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  1. S

    Wierd problem with DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim

    I have a small script that imports from a CSV file into a table in A2007. Private Sub cmdImportColisRefSendEmail_Click() DoCmd.RunSQL "Delete * FROM Colissimo_envoye" ' empty the sent colissimo table DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim, "Import-colissimo-colis-ref Specification"...
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    problme with script for printing

    Hello, I have a VBA script that selects records from the table tblInv where the value of tblInv.InvSendEmail=True and then sends the value of InvNum to the rptInv for each selected record. I am a bit bogged down with the SQL syntax. I get an Error 3131 "syntax error in FROM clause.." Any...
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    1 page report with 2nd page showing only text message

    Hi, I have a report which produces a single invoice on a single page. I want to add a second page showing only text (this is the T&Cs to be printed on the reverse side of the paper) at the end of the report. Is there a way I can do this in Access 2007 ?. thanks
  4. S

    INSERT INTO query problem

    I have an orders database in Access 2007 with several tables (tblCust, tblInv and tblInvDetail) containing customer information, order information and order details respectively. I want to add orders which are imported via a temporary table (Import_VmOrderListFile) using several queries. The...
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    update several fields in table_a from table_b based on a text field match

    Hello, I want to update several fields in table_a from table_b based on a text field match (where table_a.text = table_b.text). Does anyone know if I can do this with the SQL UPDATE command ?. I have tried using this : UPDATE table_a SET x = table_b.1, y = table_b.b, z = table_2.c...
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    New to Access 2007 :would like some advice / guidance - thanks

    Hello, I am new to Access 2007 but I have used Access before (albeit a long time ago) and have some basic skills in html/php and I am quite familiar with Excel tables etc.. so I am not a complete novice. I have a web site with a simple shopping cart function that can export a csv file. I want...
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