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  1. M

    Works as a query but not in vba?

    Thats great works like a charm now thanks alot David
  2. M

    Works as a query but not in vba?

    I have noticed when i looked more that it works in american format but different? The date for example if 01/08/2013 in uk format when converted to US it is 08/01/2013 but the date that makes the query work is 8/1/2013 how do i convert 01/08/2013 in to 8/1/2013 as i used the mm/dd/yyyy method...
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    Works as a query but not in vba?

    Hi Guys, Im trying to loop through a query results to extract email addresses from a query result. I have the following code NameCriteria = Forms![MainMenu]![tbl_Course_Details]![Course_Name].Value DateCriteria = Forms![MainMenu]![tbl_Course_Details]![Course Date].Value Dim db As...
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    Export Query to Excel Keeping Formatting

    Hi, I have several queries that I want to export to Excel. However when I i use the DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport command it exports but removes all formatting. A few of the columns are Currency is there any way to export and maintain the format that they are in access? Thanks Mike
  5. M

    How can i swap this table colums and rows?

    Hi have a table like below Name Jan Feb Mar ect A 1 2 4 5 B 3 4 8 8 C 5 5 9 7 D 2 7 8 8 I want to swap this so it looks like this -----A B C Jan Feb Mar etc Can anyone let me know how to do this? Thanks Mike
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    How do i display this is a graph?

    I have attached what i am looking to do. Can you help? Thanks Mike
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    How do i display this is a graph?

    I have just seen that the table has not come out corectly. Overdue With -- Jan -- Feb -- Mar -- etc Name 1 -- 100 --110 -- 120 --105 Name 2 -- 108 -- 120 -- 108-- 103
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    How do i display this is a graph?

    Hi can anyone help me? I have this table tbl Overdue Report Count HistoryOverdue WithJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberNorthern Region211211211211211211211211211211211211TI120120120120120120120120120120120120 I would like to dispay this in a graph...
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    Hide a datasheet column

    The things is that they want the resuts to look like an excel sheet. So it needs to be a datasheet view. I tried using a datasheet form but this only 1 record at a time.
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    Hide a datasheet column

    Hi guys, This has been driving me crazy. I have a query that runs and the results come up in a datasheet. Now there are times where certain criteria are met when I need certain columns to be hidden. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do it. I seem to have tried everything...
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    User Form To Allow User To Select Query Output Fields

    Hi sorry im not new to this but not great at it either. lol I cannot use different select quiries every time as there are over 100 fields in this query to to have every posibility as a select query would take ages lol. I was kind of hoping that I could put check boxes on a form. And then...
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    User Form To Allow User To Select Query Output Fields

    I had a look around and it some1 sugested something like this where SRT Variable Query (Buyer 1)] = my query name EID = the column name Me.[SRT Variable Query (Buyer 1)].Queries![EID].ColumnHidden = True But now it says " Microsoft Access can't find the field "|" referred to in your...
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    User Form To Allow User To Select Query Output Fields

    Sorry the end result will just be a select query. So that the user can look though it or export to excel if they require. I will not need to be in a report or table etc.
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    User Form To Allow User To Select Query Output Fields

    Thanks alot. 1 thing though. If for example i have 3 Columns Name ID Number Limit And I dont want the Limit Column to be shown what would the syntax be? If the query was called eg. ShowName How would I say that I want the field "Limit" in the "ShowName" query to be hidden. Thanks
  15. M

    User Form To Allow User To Select Query Output Fields

    I have a query made. In the criteria options I have it so that it takes data from a form i have created. This works fine. It is just a select query. In the query design view you can click the tick so that the field is not shown. I want a form with tick boxes. So that if the box is ticked the...
  16. M

    Form To Select Query Output Fields

    Hi Guys, I have an access database and I have a used a form so that the user can input variables into a query. What I would like is to have a form that has all of the fields on the query so that the user can tick or untick fields that they would like to see in the query output. I am guessin...
  17. M

    User Form To Allow User To Select Query Output Fields

    Hi Guys, I have an access database and I have a used a form so that the user can input variables into a query. What I would like is to have a form that has all of the fields on the query so that the user can tick or untick fields that they would like to see in the query output. I am...
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