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  1. D

    Filter rowsource results by variable.

    Hi, Currently I have a form that displays details of person, and location. among these fields I have a town name and a postcode field. I have a post code table, and a qurey of that populating the rowsource of the drop down box, for post codes. I would like to be able to take the town name...
  2. D

    Import multiple tables with VBA - overwrite originals.

    Hi, I'm currently working on an ongoing project that requires regular updates to the forms and code of a database. I would like to be able to click a button and import all the tables from the old version to the new one, and OVERWRITE the data. I may add new tables in between versions, so...
  3. D

    Critera to show first and last record.

    Hi, I currently have a query containing a list of dates, among other things. I would like to filter by criteria, the first and last record; or the earliest and latest dates. I am sure this is possible, but my brain has not quite nutted it out yet.. Thanks in advance.
  4. D

    "File not found error" in compiler....

    Hi, I'm currently working on a major database, and it is near completion. Today, while adding a new form, with a few buttons and a couple of docmd.openform commands, I received a "file not found" error while trying to rename it. now this has spread like a virus to the rest of my database. I...
  5. D

    query criteria needs to be a column in another query.

    Hi, Trying to apply a column in a query as the criteria in another query. is there an expression i can use such as: =[column]![query]
  6. D

    getting a value from a query - that is not the control source.

    Hi, I'm trying to get a conglomorate report together that combines data from a number of queries, tables and crosstabs. currently all works except my attempt to programatically reference a field in a query. Said query has only one line as it is a summary query. my current code is this: The...
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    Useful code I have written - Google and whitepages search.

    So I have decided to contribute a few of the more useful snippets of code I have put together in some of the better databases I have written. I hope you guys find this useful: "Get Directions in google maps from address fields": You will need to change field names to suit. This can cope with...
  8. D

    VBA to grab value of first record from subquery.

    Hi, currently working on a few databases at present. I have a conundrum I would like to resolve for all of them. My initial issues of trying to use a crosstab as a subquery have been solved by just using a simple query using the summary feature provided by the query wizard. So now, I have a...
  9. D

    Open current record in report (with subreport)

    Hi, I'm currently designing a database. I have a main table and a one - to many related table. The main table (MASTERTABLE) stores details of a group. The related table (Presenter) stores meeting records. I'm writing this database in access 2007, but in 2003 format as the end result will be...
  10. D

    Docmd.findrecord If record is not found then ...

    Hi, I'm currently designing an inventory system for my workplace using a barcode scanner (software keyboard wedge type). At present I have it use the prefix CTRL + B On my form (access 2007) I have the keypress event monitor for the acsii code for CTRL + B (Ascii 2) as this appears to do...
  11. D

    TAPI3, DTMF and VBA

    Hi, I currently have a job management system I have written for an electrical services company. Specs: access 2007 OS: Vista (tell me about it) What I want to acheive: I have a contact list for our staff, I would like to be able to click on a number, and have it generate the DTMF...
  12. D

    Split string, execute function, delete split.

    Hi all, Working on a morse code translation function for a database in access 07 I'm having a little trouble working out how to acheive the next step. I need to be able to take the first 3 characters (from a string of morse) from a text box, send them to a variable for use in a code, and...
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