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    Subtraction Error.

    T.H.A.N.K. you Mark for pointing out something that I did not Know, THE SUM FUCTION.
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    Subtraction Error.

    T.H.A.N.K. you Amelgp, for your suggestion.
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    Subtraction Error.

    I tried to change the value from Currency to Numeric, but the math error continues. Original formula =Sum(Nz([Stop_Current])-Nz([Current_Price])) Second choice formula =Sum(Nz([Stop_Current], 0)) - Sum(Nz([Current_Price], 0)) A = calculaction is wrong B = the calculation in the DIFFERENCE...
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    Query Does Not Work

    Our accountant requests that we save the data to a Pdf file and Zip the Database to a DVD after all of the Yearly Documents have been printed.
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    Query Does Not Work

    Thank you for your follow up information.
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    Query Does Not Work

    Thank you Arnelgp for your code and comments, which I discussed with our Accountant. She agrees with your word “Adjustments” Accounting adjustments are modifications made to financial statements at the end of an accounting period to ensure accuracy and compliance with accounting principles.
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    Query Does Not Work

    Thank you Arnelgp, I appreciate your suggestion and advice. Nicole
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    Query Does Not Work

    T.H.A.N.K. Y.O.U. Cheekybuddha Your suggestion works, Since you like dogs, I will try to find one to pat this week. Nicole
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    Query Does Not Work

    Thanks Cheekybuddha for your comments. I thought that I was writing a Query to copy and calculate data, but it seems that I was wrong. A Government Department is requesting more information from us and I was hoping that this Expression, which I thought was a query, would allow us to provide...
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    Query Does Not Work

    Could I please have a suggestion to fix this Query. IIf([Transaction_Type]="Sold_$", [CRA_Settlement_Amount] - [Book_Value], Null) and [CRA_Settlement_Amount]-[Book_Value] What we are trying to accomplish is; If the Transaction Type is "Sold_$" then the Transaction_Total is copied from the...
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    Report Grouping By Year

    Arnelgp, Thank you for your suggestion.
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    Report Grouping By Year

    We have a MsAccess 2003 database that contains our reports that are currently printable by month, that we STILL WANT to use. How can we ADD the report selection “ALL” months so that we will then have a report for all 12 months? Your suggestions are appreciated? Thank you. Crystal
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    Report with the Same ID being printed multiple times.

    Thank you Mike60Smart for your comments, This database was created in 2010 by one of our Volunteers. Something has been changed over the years. I will try your suggestion this weekend by adding a PK to each of our tables. Nicole
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    Report with the Same ID being printed multiple times.

    Thank you Doc man and I will try to find out what was changed in the database that was created in 2010. If I cannot find out the problem, please tell me how to join the records so I can have the Volunteers update the records. Nicole
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    Report with the Same ID being printed multiple times.

    Until about October this report was being printed properly. But someone changed something and now the report is not being printed properly. Any assistance will be appreciated. Crystal
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    Rename Tables Programmatically in MsAccess 2003

    Thank you for your suggestion, but the Excel Spreadsheet we receive each month has about 60 different fields and we would like to keep the data for a few months for comparison. What do you suggest? Thank you.
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    Rename Tables Programmatically in MsAccess 2003

    Every month we receive an Excel Spreadsheet that we import into our MsAccess Database table “ RBC “ Can I please get a suggestion on how to; Rename Table RBC_D to RBC_To-Day’s date Rename Table RBC_C to RBC_D Rename Table RBC_B to RBC_C Rename Table RBC_A to RBC_B Rename Table RBC to RBC_A...
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    Print a list of table Field names

    Thanks Doc Man for your suggestion, but all we want to see are two fields.
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    Print a list of table Field names

    Thank you Jun7, I will give your suggestion a try
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    Print a list of table Field names

    Yes, TheDBguy. We did try your suggestion, but we received more information than we wanted.
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