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  1. V

    select query based on 2 tables

    Hello! I have a Select Query based on 2 tables with one-many relationship, let's call one table "One" and the other one "Many" based on the sides of the relationship. How to make this query to return all records from the "One" table even if the "Many" table doesn't have related records? Right...
  2. V

    Selecting and inserting records into the same table

    Hi! I have a table with a few columns. I am trying to write a code which would select certain records from the table an then append all these same records into the same table with only one column values changed (column: StageNumber). The reason for this: I have a form with several subforms...
  3. V

    Code strategy

    I have 30 tables in my Access database, 12 of them named ****CAL. Each of those 12 tables contain calibration records for equipment (hence name ending with "CAL"). All 12 tables have columns: Date, EquipmentID and CalID. Also I have a table with different equipment and accosiated calibrations...
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