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  1. G

    output to multiple pdf files

    Hi all Is there a way of doing this. I have a report which contains a page for each member of staff.I currently can view individual pages using a form which filters the report. I am using 2007 so i can easily output the whole report to Pdf, what i need to do is output each indivual staff...
  2. G

    Chart Labels

    I have a chart in one of my reports, it is a stacked bar chart. The labels are on the chart rather than in a legend. The problem is that the chart still shows the label even if its value is zero Can i hide the labels of zero valued catergorys for each report.
  3. G

    Validation Rule

    I have a form with a subform. On the main form i have a list box which sums a column in the subform through a query. I want to ensure that this field equals another field in the main form but cant get it to work. I know this is because of the query which is calculating the sum but i dont know...
  4. G

    Table structures?????

    I have a staff table which consists of an ID key, First Name, and Surname, this then feeds into three tables Modules, Modulelecturers, programmes connected by the ID KEY. This works fine unless i am doing a query bassed on two of these tables. Do i have this set up wrong?? or is there...
  5. G

    Automatically filled fields

    I have a form with a combo box. When you select an item out of the combo box it automatically shows you information about that record. The field in the the combo box is called completemodnumber and is a primary key in a number of my tables. in on of the tables in which completemodnumber is not...
  6. G

    combo box in main form filling in field in subform

    I want a form with a subform linked by a field called CompleteCrsCode. However I want to use the subform for data-entry. So when the user is imputting the records in the subform i want the CompleteCrsCode-child field to be automatically filled in depeding on what is in the master field in the...
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