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  1. ChipperT

    Socialized medicine vs Insurance-based Health Care

    We have all heard the hype and rants about the new U.S. socialized insurance-based health care (the so-called Obama-care). Now I would like to hear the FACTS, and not the spins, about socialized health care in other countries, such as the UK, Ireland, Australia, Canada and anywhere else that...
  2. ChipperT

    Reasons for UDL?

    I am tasked right now with maintaining several VB.Net apps that use an Access backend with ADO. I don't know who wrote them and, in any event the authors are long gone. Each of the apps use UDL files to pass in the connection string. None are password-protected. I can't figure out why the UDL...
  3. ChipperT

    Random but not repeating - a better solution?

    I am creating a quiz program from young people based on academic Knowledge Bowl rules. Currently the "universe" of questions numbers just under 3,000 and are stored in an Access 2007 database. From this set of questions, each match will consist of x number of questions (standard is 30 but that...
  4. ChipperT

    How to get a random recordset from a query

    I have a simple table: ID (autonumber - PK) Description (text) Status (integer - FK) StatusDate (datetime) I would like to create a query that will return a random set of N records where N is an integer less than the total number of records in the table. For example, if I have a table of...
  5. ChipperT

    Backup DB to CD/DVD

    Ok, this one might be a little esoteric but I thought I would give it a try. A client has asked me to develop an Access 2007 application for him. The database and application are no biggie. But here is what I need ideas on. This will be a dispersed and disconnected db and app (not shared...
  6. ChipperT

    Question VistaDB

    I have a client that has a rather extensive database in VistaDB They are now asking for me to integrate an Access 2007 application with that db as a backend. I have not had a chance to look into the specs of VistaDb yet. Has anyone here had any experience with such a project? Is it possible?
  7. ChipperT

    A Tale of Two Tables (or maybe three or four)

    I have an "add-on" project to do for an existing database and application. I may not touch the existing database table structures. All changes have to be done in new tables. In the existing database, all persons are "registered" and exist in a table I will call "tblRegPeople" and includes the...
  8. ChipperT

    Updating a BE and FE on a disconnected computer

    I have a split database that is dispersed to disconnected users (not on a common network, so the BE resides on their workstation). I split it to make it easier to maintain the FE even though each user has both the FE and BE locally on their own computer. I know there are autoupdaters out there...
  9. ChipperT

    SQL Statement to build database

    This is actually two questions but they are related. I am fairly new to Access - well, coming back. I did a bit of work in Access 97. Most of my development experience has been in SQL Server. There I am used to generating SQL code for several reasons. First, it is easy to document a db...
  10. ChipperT

    Looking for tournament bracketing help

    I am looking for a simple implementation for double-elimination bracketing for tournament. Does not have to be fancy. I will be integrating it into a more extensive Access 2007 application. Any pointers would be great. For a lot of reasons I would like to avoid having to do the design myself...
  11. ChipperT

    Hello everyone

    I am a developer working for State Government. I recently picked up maintenance responsibilities for several Access-based apps. I have not touched Access since '97 so I am digging trying to bring myself up to speed!
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