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  1. S

    Query Question

    Cha-Ching.... Got it, plus I added a button to run the query and everything.. Works perfect I didn't do it the way I thought I was going to and it works MUCH faster then I thought it would. My next question just so that I know in the future... When and how does a query update? Does it update...
  2. S

    Query Question

    I have a large database with a query that is called "WOQuery" in it has lots of information for a manufacturing plant. The columns of importance are: WorkOrderNum, QtyOrdered, QtyShipped Pretty much all I want it to do is get a list of WorkOrderNum's that are NOT complete. A WorkOrderNum is...
  3. S

    Auto-login to a website

    It's office outlook web access. I used firefox So, what I ended up doing is downloading IMarco and making a macro that I can run after opening firefox. I tried setting up a batch file that would open firefox and load the site but it never ended up working. This marco works for now till...
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    Design Question

    "Do some users only have access to some parts of the app? i.e finance never use forms that engineering use?" Yes, Everyone has certain user permissions on log-in, and each form is separate. Financial people only use their stuff in order to get the numbers that they need out of the system...
  5. S

    Auto-login to a website

    Hey, I know this is in the wrong topic however I had no idea where to exactly put it. Anyway, here is what I am trying to do. My company just converted to a new mail server (Microsoft Exchange, office outlook). And I was wondering if there was an easy way to auto log into the site. I have...
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    Design Question

    If I rewrote it in C then it would be a standalone program, with some type of back end thats on a server. Besides that there are limits to what VBA can do... So far I have been work arounds to make things work how I want them to and look how I need them to look for user friendliness.
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    Design Question

    So far I have been working on a huge database for work. In fact, I wouldn't call it a database anymore. It works and feels like any regular program. I have like 2 years of on and off work into it. The database is massive, mutliuser log-ins, mutli-tables and forms... with a little more work...
  8. S

    not save information

    If you create a new record and switch to a different record it will save what you have done. However if you want a cancel button then add a button and in the code on click just put this: Me.Undo Do.cmd.close When you hit the button it will cancel what you have done and close the current form...
  9. S

    Countdown Timer

    Very cool. I looked at it. I actually ended up using a Sleep function from the Krenel32... It works great and its not a busy weight. Thank you for your help, everyone on this site has been great as I have been learning. -Saint
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    Countdown Timer

    I am looking to create a program for my home poker league. I have ideas and concepts, some of which I know how to program (even though I know ms access is not really the way to do this) but a count down timer is something that I don't know how to start. Concept: Have a timer that looks like...
  11. S

    Check to see if its the last record.

    If you have a list of PN's: 156 159 1955 1915 Then you search for 15 and hit the search button it goes to the 1st record (156) then you hit search again and it goes to the 2nd record (159) then you hit it again and it goes to the 4th record (1915) Now you are at the bottom so if you were to...
  12. S

    Check to see if its the last record.

    I got it to work perfect after thinking about it a little more.... Code I use: Private Sub Search_Click() Me.Form.RecordsetClone.FindNext "PN LIKE '*" & Me.SearchField.Value & "*'" If Not Me.Form.RecordsetClone.NoMatch Then Me.Form.Bookmark = Me.Form.RecordsetClone.Bookmark...
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    Check to see if its the last record.

    I dont understand your post.. I am not looking to Move any records. I am looking to select the next record. The code I posted works fine other then the fact that If you are on the last record that is presented in the continuous form and you click search it will say that the part number does...
  14. S

    Check to see if its the last record.

    I'm a beginner and I am trying to do the following: I have a textbox labeled SearchField and a button labeled search On the on click event of the search the following code runs: Private Sub Search_Click() Me.Form.RecordsetClone.FindNext "PN LIKE '*" & Me.SearchField.Value & "*'" If Not...
  15. S

    Can you use Like when talking about Tables?

    That worked perfect! I tried doing it however I must have had my syntax wrong. Would you know any good places for syntax instructions or maybe a bunch of examples? VBA seems to have terrible syntax with all the "'" & ______ & "'" Thanks again! -Saint
  16. S

    Can you use Like when talking about Tables?

    Hello I am new to MS Access but I am learning, I pick up quick. My question is can you use a wildcard search when looking for a recordset on a continuous form thats attached to a table? I know i probly should be creating a Quary then searching then pulling that information up but i was...
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