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  1. G

    Question put ms access in iis for beginner?

    i am new at Internet Information Services(iis). i have a .accdb file. That file have table,form, macro and almost everything. how can i put the database in iis localy?:confused: someone help.
  2. G

    vba keyboard delete key help

    i want to create a button that have delete key action. this Application.Screen.PreviousControl = "" works on main form but does not works on subform. please someone help.
  3. G

    delete button help

    i want to create a button that act as pressing the DEL key. Can someone want help i. thanks
  4. G

    Calling function with arguments use vba

    Hello, I have a Function auditTrail(myform As Form) in a module name m_software and Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer) Dim saveAns As Integer saveAns = MsgBox("Do you want to save changes?", vbYesNo) If saveAns = vbYes Then DoCmd.Save acForm, "f_asset"...
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