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  1. A

    Percentage Queries

    i'm pretty sure i get what you mean. i shall give it a go and let you know. cheers
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    Percentage Queries

    yeah i tried that, however the queried would only pick up on that criteria. i was missing the piece of the puzzle so to speak i could get that there was so many written closed logs between the time period and use the reports to do the maths. However i couldn't for some reason get it to count...
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    Percentage Queries

    Hello, I've been tasked in the last few months by my bosses to make a database for a client who has requested our database to be different from anything we usually create and also to take out percentages from the underlying data. The client company also wants the source data (presumably to...
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    Recordset string concatenation

    That worked a treat. i don't completely understand what the problem was though, the loop i created worked fine however it struggled to get the amount of records to actually loop through. when i was debugging it the first time i ran through it only picked up one record however when i stepped...
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    Recordset string concatenation

    Hello, I'm trying to concatenate together all the ID fields from a table. However for some reason, my recordests are only picking up a single record meaning the loop cannot concatenate. i might be missing something simple for all i know my code : Dim dbs As Database Dim rst As...
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    Pass Through Query to SQL database

    Hello, This takes alot of different things into account but i'm thinking its the query itself that is the main problem. Apologese if i am mistaken and put this in the wrong place. I have a Pass through Query which is actioned when a button gets pushed on a form. Basically the functionality...
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    World times issue

    yeah. its near impossible to find one that can do this. its because the whole daylight savings idea is near impossible to sort. different countries change to daylight savings at different times and everything. its a massive pain. There will be a way but i doubt anyone has the time on their...
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    World times issue

    Hello, Thanks for the reply, Yes i have got some test data so this is what it is coming up as My PC Time (set to London UTC Time): 12:35 - Correct GMT Time: 11:35 - Correct selected times from listbox London: 11:35 - Wrong (as proven by my local machine time) Amsterdam: 12:35 - Wrong Paris...
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    World times issue

    scrap that... it works. the functionality is all there however the time zones are wrong in certain Areas. for example it works perfectly in melbourne however in Amsterdam,London, Berlin, and China it is an hour behind. any idea why this may be? i'm using a different database as well i am...
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    World times issue

    alas i've got it working. Thanks boys.
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    World times issue

    I have tried and tested it and it does half of what it is intended to. it displays the list of times but does not show anything in the text box when you select it. i checked the forum page i found on it and someone had the same problem but it was never answered on the forum.
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    World times issue

    thanks i will i'll look into this. i have to take into account all the daylight saving and everything as well you see. it looks good on face value but i'll have to explore the code i will let you know in due course
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    World times issue

    Is it possible to do this: in VBA? i'm pushed for time and struggling to get this done. i've seen many scripts to get information on your current time and everything but i need to get the date and time...
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    Passing variables to table

    its more the people i work for thats the problem they want more than one person to access the database at any time without causing it to be locked (i know the insanity in that comment) and basically this is the way they came up with and its up to me to come up with it in the constraints. I...
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    Passing variables to table

    Hello, I've been creating a new database and the users have asked for unbound forms to be used. This means i'm passing variables into forms using DLookup and SQL strings. The one i'm currently on is a form which needs to check the table it would normally be referencing, see if a log exists...
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    splitting the database

    right. we've moved to a different direction. The database is being ran across access 2010 solely but the problem now is unsafe expressions when its split. how do you reduce macro security on the front end. You know like on the clients PC's. like when its all on a single users PC's you can...
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    splitting the database

    i'm not completely sure why to be honest. i think its to do with lisencing and saving cash or something. i just get given information that is deemed as 'needing to know' Which is apparently not alot. so are you saying its not backward compatible IE you can't use 2003 front end with a 2010...
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    splitting the database

    i've been given an update on this from my manager, which is where the confusion has come from. Apparently (the database is currently working in 2003) he wants to split the database but also split the version of Access. So he is wanting the back end of the database to be Access 2010, While...
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    splitting the database

    i dunno how it was created. i didn't create the switchboards personally. Theres just something stopping you from splitting the database because of it. is there away to change the access security settings. like they have with macros
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    splitting the database

    Hello, my current place of occupation is wanting to split their current databases so there is a front and back end. Now obviously there are much better ways of doing this as i know. but the company is wanting to stick with access (presumably for financial reasons) we have successfully managed...
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