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  1. C

    advanced rounding of purchase orders within query

    Hi All It's been quite a while since i last did DB work and having a little trouble adding a new module to my old DB. Basically my DB generates a "Shopping List" which my guys manually go through, it lists all the ingredients we need and the quantities for the months production. We then...
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    Use of wifi capable barcode scanners with an access db

    Hi all, Back again for some more wisdom from you guys So my companys custom access ERP database is due for another update. I've been building and improving upon it for years thanks to help from this page and now is time for a big one. Basically they wanna start scanning in barcodes for all...
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    access on an ipad?

    Hi all Recently ive been put in charge of running a commercial bakery thats owned by the company i work for not my usual field of work (im their local db admin), but they needed someone familiar with the operations to take over from the old manager ASAP and i was the only one who could do it...
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    mysql date add with query for the interval

    hi all im having a bit of trouble creating a query to help me keep my data up to date basically im testing a page ive built that displays data within a certain date range, ive got queries to populate my tables with relevant test data but the problem is keeping this data up to date. I wound up...
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    working with MVP and creating a Filtered Detail List

    Hi All Just a bit of background before getting started, ive been developing access databases for years and consider myself very proficient in them. Recently ive looked into rebuilding a DB i made for work into a web app and selling it off to other companies (work is cool with this as i made...
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    Tricky query Criteria, between dates if textboxes are null

    Hi all So i have a report that, among other things, shows us stock ordered between today (the current date) and the last 3 months. The query criteria under the date field is as follows: Between DateAdd("m",-3,Date()) And Date() nice and simple and works perfectly However now there is a new...
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    delete query, delete duplicates but keep one

    Hi all Im working with a large list, over 30k records and (frankly) its driving me a lil nuts i had to create a cartesian join on a single table, so i could get a list of two similar records on one row and make it easier to compare the two (looking for similar records that may be duplicates)...
  8. C

    enabling/disabling features on custom ribbon

    Hi all just working on a mock up of a database for the organisation im working for. they havent agreed to let me build it just yet but im going to meet with the bosses next week and try to pitch it for them. Their old DB is garbage (alot of people were excited when i was hired to fix it) and im...
  9. C

    finding similar records across two tables

    trying to fix up a massive db (over 40k records) that is a real mess (duplicates, blank records, mis-spelled stuff, you name it and im dealing with it) right now trying to update data ive got from one list (which ive imported as a table) into the main list there is a primary key in the main...
  10. C

    Multiple customers/databases same structure

    Hey all, hows it going? Ive recently started up my own company (with a partner who is in charge of sales/marketing) and have built an MRP system in access My partner wants to switch over to an SQL backend/web frontend I dont have much time to get the job done (as i also have a day job) so...
  11. C

    Most Secure way to re-enable shitf bypass key

    Hi all So im working on a new version of my DB and wanna make sure its secure AF. I usually disable the bypass key and set it to be reenabled once i put in my username and password (specifically me, if any other users use their login details it wont work) In the past ive also added secret...
  12. C

    remove characters from field in query expression

    Hi So ive rebuilt my work database the original db had 3 tables for keeping track of Stock (tblFinishedGoods, tblProducts, tblIngredients), the new one just has one table for all types (tblStock). This new design simplified the crap out of all the queries i used to calculate stock costs/levels...
  13. C

    Looping through all fields and saving metadata

    Hi Thanks for taking the time to read this, first off appologies for the title, i dunno how accurate it is but i honestly could not think of a concise way to explain what im trying to accomplish Currently im looking into adding an audit trail into my db (long story short a lot of data is being...
  14. C

    Page X of Y where x and y are relative to the record being printed

    hi all ive made a report that is basically just a purchase order sheet the issue is several purchase orders can be generated at once (i force a new page after the record finishes) so as a result the default "Page X of Y" label has X as the current page number and Y as the total number of...
  15. C

    change property of form control and save the changes

    Hi all This is a bit of a random one and i hope you guys dont mind if i ramble on a bit, because even though the question is simple enough im not sure if im approaching my problem the right way (ie, not sure if i even need to worry about saving changes to a form property..... which i think...
  16. C

    open file browser to specific folder and get path

    hi all im trying to open the windows filebrowser (preferably to a specific folder, if folder doenst exist then it can open to wherever) Once the user selects a file id like to be able to store the filename and path in a variable and mess around with it later (preferably would like to store the...
  17. C

    how to get started with sql server

    Hi all Im currently looking to take my access DB's to the next level. Going to start going with a mySQL back end and a web browser based front end (also looking into an app based front end later on) Ive worked with mysql servers before. But they were all in University, so the servers were...
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    Whats the Difference between a Sub and a Function

    So im mostly self taught when it comes to VBA but i do have some programming experience Usually when im coding a form ill define all my functions in Private Sub's (i know i can probably set them to Public, but ive never really needed em to be accessed by other forms (i think thats what the diff...
  19. C

    having difficulty with a global string

    hi all I'm building a login page, its Modal so cannot be clicked away the basic login function works well (compares username and password entered with that in a table and, if all values are equal, opens a main menu form) as the login form is modal i had to set its visibility to false so that...
  20. C

    get total of calculated field in subform datasheet

    Hi all I have a subform thats essentially just a Bill Of Materials for a list of products (which are on the main form) so selecting a product on the main form allows you to view/add the products bill of materials in the subform, very basic the trouble im having is that now i wanna add a...
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