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  1. E

    Parsing string into separate columns of a table

    :confused: I have a Microsoft Access table with the following columns: A,B,C,D,E,F. In first row of Column A, I have the following string value: "Al,Peggy,Kelly,Bud,Buck" What I would like to do is parse this string as such: Column B:"Al" Column C:"Peggy" Column D:"Kelly" Column E:"Bud" Column...
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    E-mail through SQL Server 2K

    I would like to know how to send the results of a stored procedure in SQL Server 2000 to an email. Is there any code out there you are aware of to accomplish this?
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    Problem using with Max() aggregate function

    I have a table in MS Access named Invoices containing the following values: Name Invoice Jim 101 Jim 102 Jane 103 John 104 Jane 105 John 106 John 107 Jim 108 Jim 109 Jim 110 The following query gives me the results you see below: SELECT Name, Count(Invoice) AS CountOfInvoice FROM Invoices...
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    Dir() and other file functions

    Is there a way to return the Created Date, Modified Date And Accessed Date of a file? Can I use the Dir function or something similar to this? Thanks.
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    Menu Control and LogOut.aspx

    I'm using ASP.NET 2.0 menu control. The menu is populated against an xml file called MenuItems.xml. One of the menu items is for a logout page. The syntax is as follows: <category title="Log Out" description="Log Out" url="LogOut.aspx"> Everything works fine and as expected. However, I...
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    Using textboxes inside HTML tables

    Paste this snippet of HTML into a VS 2005 .Net Web Form: <table style="border-right: black thin solid; border-top: black thin solid; border-left: black thin solid; border-bottom: black thin solid;" > <tr> <td style="border-right: red thin solid;width:100px;">...
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    Textbox & MaxLength

    Does Access 2000 have the MaxLength property for its textboxes? For example, if I want to limit the number of characters you can type in the textbox to 10, shouldn't it be as simple as Me.TextBox1.MaxLength = 10 (like in VB6). Or is MS Access limited in this regard. Thanks for sharing.
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    Table Variables and EXEC

    Can someone explain to me why this does not work? I declared a table variable as follows: DECLARE @sqlSTRING varchar(3000) DECLARE @MyTable TABLE (EmpName varchar (50), EmpAge int, EmpJobID varchar(10)) I tried to run the following EXEC: SET @sqlSTRING = 'INSERT INTO @MyTABLE (EmpName...
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    Query Timeout

    Is there any way to increase the time it takes to process a MS Access query before it times out? Is there a default setting I can adjust under the database properties? The problem occurs when I try to run the query from a remote location using a virtual private network. Accordingly, MS Access...
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    Passing information from one web page to another.

    I'm using VS.NET 2005. I have 2 web pages (PageA.aspx and PageB.aspx). PageA has data fields (i.e, textboxes and dropdownlists) with values in them. I want to submit a request from PageA (via a button) that will either Server.Transfer or Response.Redirect to PageB and populate the values from...
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    HTML tables and the controls therein

    How do you set the alignment properties of an HTML Table so that, no matter what, regardless of a change in screen resoultion or if someone resizes the browser window, the controls embedded within the table will always be displayed within the same space/distance ratio? I tried setting the...
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    Replacing Quotes

    I getting hung up on using the FindFirst method when I attempt to located a name with quotes. For example: Dim str as String str = "O'Reilly" rs.FindFirst "[Customer] = '" & str & "'" I tried: rs.FindFirst "[Customer] = '" & Replace(str,"'","''") & "'" but it doesn't work. It keeps...
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    Forms Authentication

    I'm using Forms Authentication for my ASP.NET web application. When the session times out and the user tries to navigate to a different page, he/she will be redirected to the login page (based on the loginUrl) where he/she will be prompted to re-enter his/her credentials. HOWEVER, I don't want...
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    Import Excel to Access

    I would like to be able to PROGRAMATICALLY import an Excel worksheet into a database and append it to a table. Simple, right? Just one caveat. I would like to ensure that during the import process the values of the Excel worksheet are consistent with the design of the table structure that...
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    Access 2000 and 'Suspect State' flag

    Is it me or is there a glitch with Access 2000 where no matter how you close out (correctly or incorrectly), it will raise the "SUSPECT STATE" flag advising that your database may be corrupted? This also occurs when you use DAO and programatically close a database recordset. Any ideas why this is?
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    Parameter Query

    Is there a way you can place a default value in the box of a parameter query (i.e., current date for a date parameter)? Similar to what you can do with an InputBox.
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    Trim extraneous data?

    I imported a spreadsheet in Excel to an Access table but unfortunately brought those nasty control code characters (i.e., carriage return, line feed) in some of the column fields that look like hieroglyphics. Is there anyway to write an update query to remove those leading and trailing...
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    Import table to a password protected database.

    I'm designing a macro to perform a multitude of processing tasks. The first step involves importing a table from one MS Access database (which is password-protected at the database level) to another. When I reach the point where the macro is attempting to import the table, I get a password...
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    To Delete Or Not To Delete

    Above is a delete function I created on a Form using the command button wizard in MS Access 97. The only additional line of code you will find is an action append query designed to add a record from one table (tblActive) to another table (tblArchive) just before the record is deleted from the...
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    SubForms/Last Record

    I have a mainform/subform. I would like to move through each records using the main form's built-in navigation buttons (i.e., first, previous, next and last). However, I want the records inside the subform to begin with the last record instead of the first. So for example, instead of starting...
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