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  1. M

    Unrecognised database format error

    hi everyone i keep having issues randomly with my Access DB Backend keeps coming up with Unrecognised database format error. is there anything i need to be aware of or what i should be checking for. soon as i kick users out and let Access repair itself it is OK for a while. but then happend...
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    Duplication Data Reload

    Hey everyone i'm not sure how to tackle this one i have a duplication script (attached) which i run to copy whatever is in the main ID at that time. there is a parts list within this main_id which is built from drop downs and other tables inc a third party table. anyway issue is when this gets...
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    Edit relationships using a macro

    Hi Everyone hope you are all well i'm not new to access but new to macros, just wondered if is was possible to edit a relationship through a macro? Background: Everyday i have to import a new table from a third party DB. rename the old one ....old ...:) ..and rename the new. at this point the...
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    Calculation on hidden amounts on a combo box

    Hi Everyone hope you can help i am a little stuck on a project i have a text box called percent - i don't want to use the amount as a customer may see this so i have a table with, and created a query for it. Grade | Percent A = 10 B = 15 C = 20 and made the Percent...
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    Importing specific records tables

    Hi Everyone I know this is not best practice for an access DB, however until i can find a better solution i'm a bit stuck :) So my main DB has auto gen PK - i also have other related sub tables with PK and FK to my Main db. i also have FE and BE i have had to take a copy of my DB away from...
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    Decimal place issue

    Hi Everyone hope you can help i am having an issues with data with decimal places. Background: My third party software controls our stock and qty's. when users enter new stock they enter the new amount. thats ok no worries but some qty's get entered with a decimal place and some do not. so...
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    Form Calculation issue

    Hi Everyone i have an odd think happening to my db on my [frm_main] i have a total amount which is based on adding three different amounts together . not an issue all ok with that. however i have created a new table and form for a rentals [frm_rental]. FK_ID relationship to...
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    importing and exporting tables for a local db

    Hi Everyone just want to say to the people who have helped me out in the past ....THANK YOU. ok so for my next challenge, has anyone attempted this before. my DB is on our server, so users can login and use. However my boss is wanting to take it on the road with him. while i am going down the...
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    Tag Issues

    Hey everyone I have been trying to do an append query to duplicate my frm_main and all my subforms on a command button. i found this on the net from MSoft ok so i have copied this to the letter .... i think ... just obviously...
  10. M

    issues with a numbertext search

    Hi everyone i am having a little trouble with some code for a search box. on my main form i have a quote Field "Quote Rev Number" - the quote could be a number or numbertext. i have an unbound text box called txt_QuoteRevSearch then a command button with the below script: Private Sub...
  11. M

    Duplicating subform data

    Hi Everyone just wondered if anyone has come across this before. i have a main form with sub forms and trying to duplicate them. so method (in my madness) is to: first use the duplicate macro on a command button for main form (as this gives me the first ID) - if tried this and works ok. this...
  12. M

    Updating a table from an external database

    Hi Everyone i am having a bit of issues with this. i have a Db in access, within this DB i have a table called tbl_CParts. Which contains parts/stock information. The "tbl_Cparts" table is an import form an external ODBC DB which is called Cparts - i have imported this by this route External...
  13. M

    Mouse / cursor issue

    Hi every one not sure if this is possible, however id like to put this to you guys to see. Ok, so i have a main form with a subform. if i click on or use the subform that's ok but lets say the subform is a way down the bottom of the page and i need to scroll to the top of the form to look at...
  14. M

    help with cascading combos

    Hi everyone hope you can help my heads hurtin :S i am having issue with a cascading drop down issue, i have done some simple ones so not new to it. however this one is taxing me. i have a third party db (TP_DB) which gives me the majority of the information i need, i cannot touch this db as...
  15. M

    help with tables

    Hi everyone Just getting bit stuck on approaching a table issue. i have a item list table which is on another program which i can link to access, i cannot write back to the table as it will brake the other software. the issues is that the item table category A and A is limited so are numbered...
  16. M

    help with a calculation from sub form to main form

    Hi Everyone I hope anyone could shed some light on this. I have multiple continues sheet subforms with fields including a subtotal, at the bottom in the footer i have placed a text box with =Sum([Labour rate]*[labour hrs]) which as soon as i enter the details in hrs (qty) Labour rate (£0.00)...
  17. M

    Form update help

    Hi Everyone I am having issues with updating a form to use a report for it. ok, so i have a form, and on the form i have my text boxes etc to fill in details, and i also have a button that generates a report. so if i update a small portion of the form by filling in some of the txt boxes...
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    help with linking form ID's

    hi everyone, i am having issues with a form not seeing or linking to my main form. on my main form i have a button that opens a new parts form (which is based on a query from a table). when i open the new parts form the ID of the main form is not displayed - even though i have a relationship...
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    Help with calling data from a subform to a text box

    Hi everyone I am having a bit of an issue with calling data(Totals) from a subform in a text box. I have setup a subform 'frmSubRolesSelect' on my main form 'frmmainsheet' and i have a two totals text boxes on the sub form footer to calculate the Total hrs and the Total charge rate...
  20. M

    Multi value list box to update text box

    Hi Everyone just a quick query is it possible to update a text box from a multi value list box? i have a roles table with role_id, roles, charge rates. at the moment i have it set on a combo box, which once i select a role it shows the charge rate a text box labour_£. i have done this on an...
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