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  1. E

    Error 3122

    I have created the function succesfully. But now I have "Enter parameter value" question 10 times where field contains expression. Every time when I run the query it asks me to write some data. My query now looks like this: SELECT tblDeliveriesToFactory.DeliveryID, tblAdditionalCosts.[Customs...
  2. E

    Error 3122

    I have reconsidered the names. And I hope that now will be not so difficult to observe a problem: SELECT tblDeliveriesToFactory.DeliveryID, [tblDeliveriesToFactory].[Delivery to factory date] AS Expr1, tblAdditionalCosts.[Customs clearance date], tblAdditionalCosts.Discharge...
  3. E

    Error 3122

    I thought if a field has a formula than I have to choose "Expression" in TOTAL row. And I've used to do this in my previous query which was succesfully done. If I choose "Group by" in last column then I have results in my query multiplied by 5 (the same numbers in 5 separate rows). Sorry, but...
  4. E

    Error 3122

    Hi, when I run a query it says "You tried to execute a query that does not include the specified expression '[Receiving details]![Price FC]*0.1*[Receiving]![Exchange Rate]' as part of an aggregate function." and access help says "You tried to execute a query that does not include the specified...
  5. E

    Can't build right formula

    Thank you vbaInet IT seems that I succesfully have build a formula. But it is left one more unclear point. Please look at picture attached. Last row shows strange number 342,38 % when it shoul be aprox 85 %(179.750/210.633). Formula is: POTC: [Weight]/DLookUp("[Sum Of Weight]";"[Receiving...
  6. E

    Can't build right formula

    So now I have two queries. One for separate records, another for totals. And if I want to calculate percentage of total [Weight] by additional record in field [POTC] I have to enter a formula "POTC: [Weight]/[Receiving Query1]![Sum Of Weight]" but the result is "Enter parameter value"
  7. E

    Can't build right formula

    Then appears another problem, how to group a data in Query (picture attached)? And group should be done by name and by Invoice No, that I could use these calculations in my report. Consequently 1 and 2 row should appear as sum as it is the same Product (Name) and the same invoice. How to summ...
  8. E

    Can't build right formula

    yes, that's right. I want to sum those two columns.
  9. E

    Can't build right formula

    Hi, could you please tell me how tu build Formula1 and Formula2 (look in picture). It's already third day when I am trying to do this, but ussally the reslut is the same " enter parameter value" or error, or nothing. Thank you in advance.
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