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  1. todAnthony

    Textbox DatePicker

    I realize this topic is a bit older but my 2-cents worth: ActiveX Controls/Microsoft Date and Time Picker Control 6.0 (SP6) I use it on a form where I have 2 of these. You pick 2 dates and run DoCmd.OpenReport "RPT_WEEKLY", acViewPreview, , "[MASTER_DATE] Between #" & Me.frmFrom & "# And #"...
  2. todAnthony

    Multi User Split - Away from BE

    Terminal Service or any RDP would be fine but they will be without internet in the field. I imagine the local BE and syncing idea is the best and I think that's what I have been shooting for. I will start researching some sort of Access Sync. Any pointing in the right direction would be appreciated.
  3. todAnthony

    Multi User Split - Away from BE

    Having done a bit of research on this issue I am now asking in a thread. I have a multi user DB split properly and working fine.The subject of the DB is population surveys and demographics. Is it possible and how do I achieve having a user take the Front End in the field, away from the Back...
  4. todAnthony

    Total of totals on report.

    Actually the blank return is one problem but first I was really just wanting to get a total on the 10 fields with out using such a huge expression. =DSum("totalOccupied","qryWhiteOwnAbove","[ProjectName]=" & [ProjectName] & " And [TargetArea]=" & [TargetArea] & " And above=False") is one...
  5. todAnthony

    Total of totals on report.

    Looking to see how possible this is. With research I have not found anything yet. In the report footer you get a field with a sum. I realize you can add =Sum([xField])+Sum([yField)] for a total and this could be done for multiple fields. Thats is if everything were simple. Let's say you have...
  6. todAnthony

    Sum of field1 where field2 is true

    TY and I will cross this with my work first thing in the morning. Will post results. and Thank you again.
  7. todAnthony

    Sum of field1 where field2 is true

    IMHO I do not believe there are too many boolean fields at maybe a dozen or so. It just happens that the particular report that needs to exist has a boat load of calculations to report from numbers in other fields according how boxes are checked. Actually the entire report consists of =SUM and...
  8. todAnthony

    Sum of field1 where field2 is true

    I'm going to go with the adding criteria to the DSum. I have quite a few calculations to make in a specific report requiring the 'totOccupants' field to be split a million different ways according to how all kind of other fields are checked True and according to projects and areas in the...
  9. todAnthony

    Sum of field1 where field2 is true

    The And in =DSum("Field1", "YourTable", "Field2=True And Field3=True") is suffice for what I am doing but here is my next delima: It is summing ALL the fields in the "YourTable" where I have a generic report coming from a command on a form (custom switchboard) generating the report from 2...
  10. todAnthony

    Sum of field1 where field2 is true

    Date delimiters, delimiter quotes for text and none for numbers is something I am slightly getting the hang of. Your explanation makes ALOT of sense to me and I will be using it for a long time now. I knew it would be an AND operator some sort of way but I guess it is a syntax thing I am trying...
  11. todAnthony

    Sum of field1 where field2 is true

    If I may bother you once more on this topic: =DSum("Field1", "YourTable", "Field2=True") works. What If I wanted to 'filter' it again by Field3 which is also a checkbox. =DSum("Field1", "YourTable", "Field2=True","Field3=True") is a non working example. Trying various combos of this and...
  12. todAnthony

    Sum of field1 where field2 is true

    =DSum Worked perfectly. I knew well and good this could be accomplished with a simple control source but I am super novice at creating these with the expression builder or generally knowing what the function of anything more than your basic commands do. You help is mucho appreciated..
  13. todAnthony

    Sum of field1 where field2 is true

    Field1 contains a number Field2 contains a checkbox (true/false) I have a textbox in the report saying (Control Source) =Sum([Field1]) to, of course give me the sum of all of that field. I am trying to get another textbox to sum the records in Field1 for all the ones in Field2 that are...
  14. todAnthony

    Hello (Access) World

    I have only ever done the most basic tasks with Access. So far Bob and Paul have really helped. I appreciate the knowledge more than you understand.
  15. todAnthony

    Question Generating "Duplicate field exist" msg before update

    Yup. Thanks all ya'll for the knowledge.
  16. todAnthony

    Open Generic Report with Various Criteria

    Bingo. Specifically it is: DoCmd.OpenReport "rptNotCompleted", acViewPreview, , "[surveyStatus]=" & Me.cboStatus2 & " AND [projectName] = " & Me.cboProject TYVM pbaldy. I am learning alot for you guys. I have only ever done the most basic stuff with Access but I am trying to get more...
  17. todAnthony

    Open Generic Report with Various Criteria

    oic. AND is what I am missing. I will try now TY
  18. todAnthony

    Question Generating "Duplicate field exist" msg before update

    My issue has been resolved for that. I am actually abandoning that plan for pulling up the record (Long Story). The code for checking on dups is all I needed in the end. Bob, I thank you a million times for your help. You are the man and I wish I knew half of what you have forgotten. I have...
  19. todAnthony

    Open Generic Report with Various Criteria

    As of this link: . I have gotten and learned the "Open Generic Report with Various Criteria (simple sample)" database lesson. My question is: If this code (that does work properly): DoCmd.OpenReport "rptNotCompleted", acViewPreview, , "[surveyStatus]=" &...
  20. todAnthony

    Question Generating "Duplicate field exist" msg before update

    After click OK on the MsgBox I get: Run-time error '94: Invalid use of Null Will try to tweak. Your thoughts?
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