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  1. P

    if...then logic in fields

    Mr. B, thank you for your help, that website looks very useful. I would like to do this on the table level because I eventually display that information within queries and forms. I personally would perfer to have the "current" field be stored with the rest of the data. However, if that is...
  2. P

    if...then logic in fields

    Recently I have been creating a database in Access 2007 that looks at the end date of certain events and then compare it with todays date in order to determine whether or not the event can actually be participated in. If the current date is before the end date, then I would like the field to...
  3. P

    Query combination for form and subform

    Thank you so much, I greatly appriceated the step by step instructions. I was able to get the form and subform to work correctly, and in the process, I some how solved the second issue.
  4. P

    Query combination for form and subform

    In Access 2007, I have been attempting to create a database that displays the events that people have participated in. In this database I have two tables: - the first contains the information about the individual (i.e., name, phone number) - the second is related to the first through a one...
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