Call Multiple Private Subs with single routine


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Yesterday, 20:17
Nov 28, 2017
I have appx 20 private subs and they are each associated to a form button. Is there a way to create a macro/module/code that will run all of the Subs sequentially, that I can assign to a single form button? I would also like to have a progress bar, so the user doesn't think the system is locked up.

Move all the code into one sub ?
Put a counter in and increment it by 1 each time one of the tasks is complete, change a label caption to indicate x out y processes complete.
Sub MainClick()
' runs 20 sub routines when button is clicked

' code to let user know code is running here


' code to let user know code has completed here

End Sub
Each of my subs run a loop, and I tried combining them, but it gave me a compile error. Each sub is looping through a different query and creating a pdf report by state and exporting them to a specific network drive. Also, I don't know how to write the progress bar code.

My knowledge in VBA is only what I have taught myself by trial and error and what I have learned here.
Thanks plog! I will try that! I'll keep you posted.
plog - When I create the button and I start typing in the sub name, it gives me a compile error.
Private Sub MainExport_Click()
End Sub
Whats the error specifically? Is Test1_Click in the same module? Is it a valid name?
Sorry, I'm not very good with vba, at all. I did not set up any modules. I am using the Subs created by the click buttons.
I got it to work. :) What type of coding would I need to add to let the user know that the job is running and when the job is completed?

Update:: I got it to work. :D
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I'd use Minty's method. Put a text box on the screen that you then change the message of before each sub runs.
But if you do want a progress bar as well there are several on this forum.
Just type progress bar into the Search item
Or try this one of mine



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The trick I use in these cases is pretty straight forward. To elaborate on what Minty posted,

1) Put a label on your form called "Lbl_Progress"
2) In your button code where you will be calling each sub, do the following before each sub is called

Me.Lbl_Progress.Caption = "Now processing <Something>"

You would replace the <Something> for each time you do this with something YOU will remember as the programmer, say "Sales for Alaska".

After you are done with all of the subs simply have a last line that reads

Me.Lbl_Progress.Caption = ""

So your users will not be bothered by the last action done.

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