Getting Query Value With VBA (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
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Today, 04:27
Aug 12, 2005
Something does not work When trying to get a value from the table, getting an error "A runsql action requires an argument consisting of an sql statement"
Private Sub cboEmpID_AfterUpdate()
    Dim SQL As String

     SQL = "SELECT ID, Class" & _
             " From Employee " & _
             " WHERE ID = " & cboEmpID.Value & ";"

    DoCmd.RunSQL SQL 
End Sub
As I found "DoCmd.RunSQL" statement is not used with select statement.
Then I've changed DoCmd to:
DoCmd.OpenQuery SQL
Still getting an error , but "Microsoft Access can't find the object 'Select.."
What's the right way to get a value?
Hi. There are a few ways to get what you want. If you actually have a saved query with a name, you can use DLookup() or OpenQuery against that query's name. If you only have a SQL statement, then you can use a Recordset object to get the data from it.
Yes, thanks, that is the direction. Will try shortly..
Okay, I was just curious. Sometimes, my posts may not make sense right away. Let us know how it goes or if you get stuck. Cheers!
Okay, I was just curious. Sometimes, my posts may not make sense right away. Let us know how it goes or if you get stuck. Cheers!
I will certainly do, thank you, Sir!
Hi. There are a few ways to get what you want. If you actually have a saved query with a name, you can use DLookup() or OpenQuery against that query's name. If you only have a SQL statement, then you can use a Recordset object to get the data from it.
Here we go, working version implemented with recordset. Short and sexy!
Private Sub cboEmpID_AfterUpdate()
    Dim SQL, strClass As String
    Dim rstEmployees As DAO.Recordset

    SQL = "SELECT ID, Class, FirstName" & _
             " From Employee " & _
             " WHERE ID = " & cboEmpID.Value & ";"
    Set rstEmployees = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(SQL)
    strClass = rstEmployees!Class
    MsgBox strClass
End Sub
Here we go, working version implemented with recordset. Short and sexy!
Private Sub cboEmpID_AfterUpdate()
    Dim SQL, strClass As String
    Dim rstEmployees As DAO.Recordset

    SQL = "SELECT ID, Class, FirstName" & _
             " From Employee " & _
             " WHERE ID = " & cboEmpID.Value & ";"
    Set rstEmployees = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(SQL)
    strClass = rstEmployees!Class
    MsgBox strClass
End Sub
Congratulations! Glad to hear you got it working. Good luck with your project.
Congratulations. Just for completeness, here's how you could do it without a recordset

Private Sub cboEmpID_AfterUpdate()
    Dim strClass As String
    strClass =DLookup("Class","tblEmployee","ID = " & Me.cboEmpID)
    MsgBox strClass
End Sub

To my mind, shorter and simpler.
Congratulations. Just for completeness, here's how you could do it without a recordset

Private Sub cboEmpID_AfterUpdate()
    Dim strClass As String
    strClass =DLookup("Class","tblEmployee","ID = " & Me.cboEmpID)
    MsgBox strClass
End Sub

To my mind, shorter and simpler.
Thank you!

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