Calendar/Appointment database

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Enthusiastic Amateur
Local time
Today, 02:26
Sep 21, 2011
***** Please use the link in post #7 *****

I have been asked to submit the database attached as it might prove useful for someone else in the future.

A request was made in this thread for help in changing the display from Sun - Sat, to Mon - Sun.

The code has not been exhaustively tested, I left that up to the o/p to carry out. First impressions is that it is working OK.

I have no idea where the original database came from and as that might be more preferable for some, I have also included that in the zip file.

Each is named appropriately.

Hopefully it might prove useful to others.


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Hi Gasman,
I just came across this database template and its wonderful! I started to modify based on my needs, but noticed that the calendar days are off. On the calendar form - for example - Today 2/12 is listed as Sunday.
Wouldn't have a clue as to how to modify that. Any thoughts?

Thanks for this wonderful tool.

Hi Gasman,
I'm using this calendar tool (I've modified and amplified). Thank you for sharing! (The week starting Monday one). I've noticed though that the day of the weeks are off. (i.e., 2/14/19 is listed in the calendar view as a Tuesday (should be Thursday).
Any thoughts on how to modify?
In the private sub PopulateCalendar():

'NOTE: Will work in the UK (United Kingdom) and other European Nations
'strFirstOfMonth = "1/" & Str(intMonth) & Str(intYear)

Is this what could be causing my days of week to be off - if I am using this in U.S.? (i.e., my calendar shows Feb1 to be a Wed on the calendar, when it should be a Friday?

Thoughts? I've used this awesome template to build off of, but am stuck with the day of the week not aligning.

Thanks for any guidance. I know this was posted years ago!
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Crikey, It's been a while since I touched that.

I can barely remember what I did yesterday, let alone 4 years ago.:)

So have you swapped the comments for these lines in PopulateCalendar ?

It works fine for me, but then I use dd/mm/yyyy

'strFirstOfMonth = Str(intMonth) & "/1/" & Str(intYear)
strFirstOfMonth = "1/" & Str(intMonth) & Str(intYear)
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