Odd ADODB.Parameters error 3265 "Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding (1 Viewer)


Sr. Application Developer
Local time
Today, 17:00
Jun 23, 2011
Odd ADODB.Parameters error 3265 "Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding


My Access 2007 app to replicate records from an AS/400 running JDE to SQL Server 2008 R2 received some very odd error messages. A sample is as follows:

Date: 20111115 Time: 10:05:39 UserID: fandango
AppErrorMsg: Class: clsObjFRouterTbl, Function: Insert(), Values: partnumber='1000021008', wrkctr='119051', iropsq='1000'
Error Source: ADODB.Parameters
Error Number: 3265
Error Description: Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.
MessageText: Error not found.
Searching around the Internet for clues / ideas, I came across this page:

"ACC2000: How to Use Parameters with ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) and Jet"

That suggested wrapping the Parameters Values in double quotes. I tried that and testing the code in Debug / Trace mode, that blows up right away.

With the quotes removed, in Debug / Trace mode the code executes perfectly to insert records which previously failed.

Selecting only one of the records (without Debug / Trace mode) which had an error, that does complete correctly.

The Access VBA code driving the SP is as follows:

Public Function Insert() As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_Insert

  Dim adoCMD As ADODB.Command
  Dim adoRS As ADODB.Recordset

  'Define attachment to database table specifics and execute commands via With block
  Set adoCMD = New ADODB.Command
  With adoCMD
    .ActiveConnection = ObjBEDBConnection.FADODBConnectionObj()
    .CommandText = "clsObjFRouterTbl_Insert"
    .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
    .Parameters("@partnumber").Value = Me.partnumber
    .Parameters("@wrkctr").Value = Me.wrkctr
    .Parameters("@iropsq").Value = Me.iropsq
    .Parameters("@irdsc1").Value = Me.irdsc1
    .Parameters("@qtyper").Value = Me.qtyper
    .Parameters("@fixture").Value = Me.fixture
    .Parameters("@irefff").Value = Me.irefff
    .Parameters("@irefft").Value = Me.irefft
    .Parameters("@irrunl").Value = Me.irrunl
    .Parameters("@irsetl").Value = Me.irsetl
    .Parameters("@irvend").Value = Me.irvend
    .Parameters("@irpoy").Value = Me.irpoy
    Set adoRS = .Execute()
  End With

  'Return the new record's ID
  Insert = True

  'Clean up the connection to the database
  Set adoCMD = Nothing
  Set adoRS = Nothing

  Exit Function

  Call errorhandler_Logger("Class: clsObjFRouterTbl, Function: Insert(), Values: partnumber='" & Me.partnumber & "', wrkctr='" & Me.wrkctr & "', iropsq='" & Me.iropsq & "'")
  Insert = False
  Resume Exit_Insert

End Function
There were some dupe records, and those clearly state that the SQL Server index is what prevented those records from being accepted. This error, gives me little reason as to why the INSERT was not successful.

Any suggestions?


Sr. Application Developer
Local time
Today, 17:00
Jun 23, 2011
Re: Odd ADODB.Parameters error 3265 "Item cannot be found in the collection correspon

I ran this same replication process again and this time it completed without a single 3265 error. hhhmmm.... I do not like problems mysterious in behavior. I will keep an eye on this situation.


Sr. Application Developer
Local time
Today, 17:00
Jun 23, 2011
Re: Odd ADODB.Parameters error 3265 "Item cannot be found in the collection correspon

Someone just sent me a PM asking if I ever found out what was the root cause behind this.

The connection to SQL Server was unstable / dropping. Since I use one ADO.Connection object for the entire time the application is running, once the connection drops, it is impossible to fix the connection, and the application piles up errors with ADO.Command objects failing.

IT finally resolved the SQL Server issues, and the replication application is back to running without error. The SQL Server VM instance was running at 100% CPU utilization through high utilization from other databases, and also the physical server had Antivirus on-access scanning enabled for the drive containing the VM images.

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