Question Printer Papar size


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 01:32
Dec 12, 2013

i want to set my paper size to user defined, but it not working,

Set Application.Printer = Application.Printers("P1121E")
Application.Printer.PaperSize = acPRPSUser
Application.Printer.ItemSizeHeight = 9.35 Application.Printer.ItemSizeWidth = 26.9

Showing "Run time error "2595"
"Cannot set this property when defaultsize property is set to true"

I try add "Application.Printer.Defaultsize = true or false" also not working:banghead::banghead:
Any expert can help me?
I found the best way to custom the printer papar size; Example my custom size is 200mm x 110mm

1) Go to Control Panel>Administrator Tools>Print Managment>Print Server>Form. In action select manage forms and create a new form saiz, In form decription set the form to 200mm and 110mmm. finaly simply rename the form name as " 200X 110"

2) On Access Report, open the report in design view. In tools bar select page setup > paper size > "200X110"



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