Create QR code in access report


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Today, 19:30
Dec 30, 2015

I want to create QR code in access report. I tried ID automation, not working. Any ideas/helps are deeply appreciated.

Not a lot for us to go on there.

How is it "not working"? what error messages are you getting? How are you generating the QR string?

I have used ID Automation in the past without any problems, although that was standard barcodes.
if you have an internet connection, you may try the code in the class.
this one is written in vb. never tried it though.

first put an image control on your report for the qrcode.

on the load event of your report, get the qrcode:

dim qrCode As clsQRCode

private sub report_load()
set qrCode = New clsQRCode
' "text" means the text to make qr code, it can be from a textbox on your report
me.image_control.picture = qrCode.GetPictureQrCode("text", me.image_control.Width, me.image_control.Height)
If me.image_control.Picture Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Error!"
end sub


Hi Issskint,

I installed IDAutomation Data Matrix Font Encoder and imported the .bas file into Modules. Then in report I created a text box and changed the control source as "=EncDM([Table_name].[Field_name])". Then I changed the font into "IDAutomation2D XLS". But It is not generating a QR.
you extract the clsQRCode.cls to a folder.
on vbe, File->Import. and point to the file where you extract the class.
follow the steps on my first post.
i am unable to use this class because im lazy converting it to x64. i use x64 access.
you extract the clsQRCode.cls to a folder.
on vbe, File->Import. and point to the file where you extract the class.
follow the steps on my first post.
i am unable to use this class because im lazy converting it to x64. i use x64 access.

Error "variable not defined" at CreateBitmapPicture function

With Pic
.Size = Len(Pic) ' Length of structure
.Type = vbPicTypeBitmap ' Type of Picture (bitmap)
.hBmp = hBmp ' Handle to bitmap
.hPal = hPal ' Handle to palette (may be null)
End With
If I change the above code to the below one, no error is detected under this function. Assume "1" means bitmap file

With Pic
.Size = Len(Pic) ' Length of structure
.Type = 1 ' Type of Picture (bitmap)
.hBmp = hBmp ' Handle to bitmap
.hPal = hPal ' Handle to palette (may be null)
End With
However, error appear when returning to this

me.image_control.picture = qrCode.GetPictureQrCode("text", me.image_control.Width, me.image_control.Height)
forget about that, i think it uses
internet connection to create the qrcode.

here is another sample. doesnt
require internet connection.

there is sample form and report too.

if you want to adapt this to your db,
copy all Modules to your db.
and the AutoExec and the hiddenForm.

you need hidden form because it
is called form AutoExec macro to
instantiate Excel and extract
the excel file (the one who makes
the QR). when the applicatin closes
the hidden form does the housekeeping,
closing Excel and the excel file.
removing some other stuffs.

sorry for the sample, its unpolished.

if you have qrcode Reader on your
cellphone you can try to scan
if it is producing the correct code.
(on my test it passed all).


forget about that, i think it uses
internet connection to create the qrcode.

here is another sample. doesnt
require internet connection.

there is sample form and report too.

if you want to adapt this to your db,
copy all Modules to your db.
and the AutoExec and the hiddenForm.

you need hidden form because it
is called form AutoExec macro to
instantiate Excel and extract
the excel file (the one who makes
the QR). when the applicatin closes
the hidden form does the housekeeping,
closing Excel and the excel file.
removing some other stuffs.

sorry for the sample, its unpolished.

if you have qrcode Reader on your
cellphone you can try to scan
if it is producing the correct code.
(on my test it passed all).

Thanks. It works under the MS Access 2016 !!!

I am asking if you know the possibility to downgrade your attachment (all objects export out) to the MS Access 2003 platform.

I've tried but it seems produce a lot of errors. Any shortcut method to eliminate all errors ?
If you can't convert Arnel's code to 2003, you might want to look at this link:

I just googled it so can't vouch for how well it works - however it says its for Access 2003
BUT its commercial software ... at a price

Another google hit was to this:

Once again I haven't tried it ....

Depending on the volume of codes you need to generate, you could use the Google Charts API to generate QR Codes.

Simply add a "Microsoft Web Browser" ActiveX component and the following code to your Form:

Dim Size As Integer
Dim Text As String
Dim URL As String
Size = 200
Text = "This is my test"
' Better to actually use a URL encoding function like those described here:
Text = Replace(Text, " ", "%20")
URL = "" & Size & "x" & Size & "&cht=qr&chld=H|0&chl=" & Text
WebBrowser.Navigate (URL)

You can of course change the Size and the Text depending on your need. The Text can also be a value directly from your Form, therefore your data.

I would advise you to check Googles Terms and Services before using it.
forget about that, i think it uses
internet connection to create the qrcode.

here is another sample. doesnt
require internet connection.

there is sample form and report too.

if you want to adapt this to your db,
copy all Modules to your db.
and the AutoExec and the hiddenForm.

you need hidden form because it
is called form AutoExec macro to
instantiate Excel and extract
the excel file (the one who makes
the QR). when the applicatin closes
the hidden form does the housekeeping,
closing Excel and the excel file.
removing some other stuffs.

sorry for the sample, its unpolished.

if you have qrcode Reader on your
cellphone you can try to scan
if it is producing the correct code.
(on my test it passed all).

Running at FRESH ACCDB , it works !!!

But if import all MS Access objects into current application ACCDB (Around 36MB), the error is shown at the attachment. Not too sure it has something to do with the ACCDB file size or not .


  • Error.jpg
    97.7 KB · Views: 1,173
based on the message, you need
a bmp file, so i've made changes
and instead of jpeg being produced,
a bmp file instead.


forget about that, i think it uses
internet connection to create the qrcode.

here is another sample. doesnt
require internet connection.

there is sample form and report too.

if you want to adapt this to your db,
copy all Modules to your db.
and the AutoExec and the hiddenForm.

you need hidden form because it
is called form AutoExec macro to
instantiate Excel and extract
the excel file (the one who makes
the QR). when the applicatin closes
the hidden form does the housekeeping,
closing Excel and the excel file.
removing some other stuffs.

sorry for the sample, its unpolished.

if you have qrcode Reader on your
cellphone you can try to scan
if it is producing the correct code.
(on my test it passed all).

Thank you :):):) this works like a charm....
Is it possible to "reformat" the QRCode so that it will have a specific foreground and background colors?

We are looking to print the qr code in Dark Blue with a light gray background.
I know that QRCodes can be made in colors as we use them when we are using MSWord Mail Merge and ZINT Barcode Studio to create them.

What I am just trying to find out is how to modify the template that arnelgp had provided. I am trying to see if there is a setting somewhere or is there alot of code to change.


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