Highligh Row in datasheet


Registered User.
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Today, 04:23
Jun 12, 2017
Hi all, I think I asked this question before but I can not find the post. I have a few form which utilizes a datasheet and a single subform. I need the record that is selected in the datasheet to highlight the row to indicate which data is displayed in the single subform. who do I do this please
What do you mean highlight the row. Soes the datasheet and subform in same doem?
What do you mean highlight the row. Does the datasheet and subform in same form?
yes the datasheet and the single subform is in the same form. you select a record in the data sheet and relevant info is displayed in the single form below. when record is selected in datasheet, the row must be highlighted to indicate which record is in focus. At this point in time only the one field in the record is highlighted but I need it to maybe invert the colour, font to white and background to black
Tnx Minty, let me go through it, will let you know the outcome
I gen an error on Function GetLineNumber()
I have my control in place
you can also use Conditional Formatting on your Subform.
select all fields in your subform, on the Ribbon->Format->Conditional Formatting.
Choose New Rule. from the First Combobox, choose Expression Is.
Type on the textbox: [Forms]![yourMainFormName]![FieldInYourMainForm] = [FieldInYourSubform]

then change to background color or the text color.
Hi all, I think I asked this question before but I can not find the post.


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I've tried doing exactly what you have suggested in the past and it didn't work.

I tried it again after reading your post
This highlights the first row in the datasheet / continuous form but the same row stays highlighted when you move through the records

Please could you post a simple example of a form / subform using CF to highlight the selected row in a datasheet
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Hi arne

I can see how you've done that and agree that it works. Well done

However, not quite as simple as you originally described it .....
i.e. adding a dummy field and requerying using Form_Current event

Now you can really impress me if you wish... :o

Attached is the emulated split form example from sample databases
I've added your method to highlight the selected row

See if you can get it to work just using CF WITHOUT adding the dummy field

I look forward to your reply! :rolleyes:



Any chance of a 2007 version please?

Arne is offline
My last post uses his approach.
It was done in Access 2010 so it should work for you.
You'll recognise it as you've downloaded it before (with no CF)
Arneglp posted his solution to my challenge in another thread

Very clever it is as well...well done to Arneglp

I added a further challenge to also highlight the section with a checkbox
However, I've solved that myself - see screenshot


I have also posted this updated version in the same sample databases thread it originally came from
Emulating the split form


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