Binding a datasheet subsubform to a datasheet subform


I Love Pants
Local time
Today, 00:10
Mar 28, 2002
I have a datasheet subform that has a child datasheet subsubform. The problem is, the child subsubform won't show up in the master subform (because the master is a datasheet) and when I try to move it outside of the subform's space onto the main form, then the "Link Child" "Link Master" properties will only allow me to link the child sub sub form to its grandparent main form rather than its parent subform. I know that I can recreate all these forms using a wizard and the links will be correct, but I'd prefer not to as I've already created these forms and everything's looking good. Any help?
I'm not sure if you can show a subform from within a form if the defaul view is DataSheet. However what I have done is to have 2 subforms on a main form. The main form links to subform1 and subform1 links to subform2

In order to link a child subform to a parent subform, in the 'Master Link Fields' property you need to reference the the parent subform in full i.e.


Well, the grandchild subsubform does seem linked to the child subform because it puts a number in the grandchild's foreign key field like I want it to. However, as I scroll through records on the child subform, the grandchild doesn't change to correspond as it should; it just shows information for the top child record. Here are the names of my forms and their necessary linking objects:
Parent Form: InstallSites
Child Subform: SparesItemsSpreadsheet
Master Control:Site_Part_ID
GrandChild Subsubform:Frm_Spare_Serials
Sub Control:fk_Site_Part_ID
If someone can walk me through using these object names, I would certainly be indebted.
If you say the subforms are linked to one another correctly then scrolling through or selecting each record in the child subform should automatically select the associated record in the grandchild subform.

I've had this kind of problem before and I think it's something to do with missing references in VB. If you goto the code window and select Tools--->References and uncheck the missing reference (It'll say if the reference is missing) that should solve the problem. If this isn't the case then please feel free to e-mail me a copy of your database (if possible) and I'll have a look for you.
Well, turns out the form and query that it was based off of isn't doing exactly what I need it to anyway, so I'll have to create a new form and query after all; might as well use the Wizard. Thanks anyway for the advice!
If the question is...Can you place a subform inside a subform, then the answer is yes you can. It's a subdatasheet.

You should be able to place subforms inside of themselves as subdatasheets. If set up correctly, a plus sign appears at the left edge of the subform allowing you to expand the subdatasheet for each record. Also, the Subdatasheet Expanded property can be set to yes on the subform. This expands all records w/ child records to display their entire contents.
i only have x64 office right now, if you can wait till tomorrow i will install x86 vm machine and try to install A2K7.

this is without dummy textbox.



The thread is 10 years old...
i only have x64 office right now, if you can wait till tomorrow i will install x86 vm machine and try to install A2K7.

this is without dummy textbox.

Actually its 14 years old, so I expect tomorrow won't be a problem for the OP :)

BUT you've replied in the wrong thread :D
Its actually a reply to me in this thread today ....

OK I'm impressed (apart from being in the wrong place!)
I would never have thought of using Me.Recalc

Now for your last challenge...
Having a checkbox slightly spoils the effect as you can't highlight a checkbox
Would you like to sort that out as well and post in the other thread.

I'll then post an updated version in sample databases crediting you for the modification

NOTE: @Gasman
I can't see any reason why this wouldn't run in 2007 but if necessary I can convert it for you.
That will save arnelgp having to install a VM
Last edited:
I know, my cellphone keyboard is small. Must have hit the next thread before my reply.
That runs fine in 2007. Thank you arnelgp

Thank you for offering Colin.

Actually its 14 years old, so I expect tomorrow won't be a problem for the OP :)

BUT you've replied in the wrong thread :D
Its actually a reply to me in this thread today ....

OK I'm impressed (apart from being in the wrong place!)
I would never have thought of using Me.Recalc

Now for your last challenge...
Having a checkbox slightly spoils the effect as you can't highlight a checkbox
Would you like to sort that out as well and post in the other thread.

I'll then post an updated version in sample databases crediting you for the modification

NOTE: @Gasman
I can't see any reason why this wouldn't run in 2007 but if necessary I can convert it for you.
That will save arnelgp having to install a VM
Hi Paul

Glad it worked.
for info, I've now updated the emulated split form in sample databases with this code and a further minor tweak

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