Access does not have a built-in number representation with 2 decimal places. For example Currency is 4dp etc.
If the result of an operation involving two numbers needs to have an accuracy of 2dp, is there a full-proof method to make sure that the variable is stored with 2dp?
As an example if the variable that needs to have a accuracy of 2dp is called Amount, the following will ensure that it is stored with 2 dp
Amount = Int((Amount+0.005)*100)/100
If the result of an operation involving two numbers needs to have an accuracy of 2dp, is there a full-proof method to make sure that the variable is stored with 2dp?
As an example if the variable that needs to have a accuracy of 2dp is called Amount, the following will ensure that it is stored with 2 dp
Amount = Int((Amount+0.005)*100)/100