3D Computing - Gaming - Video - 3D


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Oct 22, 2009
Any ideas or comments for 3D Computing, gaming?
On July 13, 2012 HP announced a 23" Passive LED Polarized monitor for under $300 USD (this is NOT a recommendation). A move to non-shutter glasses. A German company now offeres a 4"x4" active solid-state polarized filter to put in front of LED Projectors - viewers use passive polarized glasses. In about Jan 2012 the price was around $400 USD per filter.
So, monitors, projectors - and a room full of viewers just got cheaper.

Graphics cards and new processors go without saying as supporting 3D.
GoPro (NOT a recommendation) just came out with a 3D camera.

My HP 3D Envy 17 (i7 Intel first gen, 8GB DDR3 RAM, dual SATA drive) was a complete waste of money. It is so hot, it literally burns the skin though a pair of jeans. It leaves burn marks on a wooden table. Extra large battery last about 18 minutes. Won't support Windows 7 Enterprise.
The latest I7 3rd genration might be ready for prime time.

Is anyone planning to go big into 3D? What are your plans or experience.
I gave up on PC gaming a few years back, it was getting to expensive to keep upgrading every year. Thats not to say I wont go back to it, but given the new Xbox is rumoured to be due next year, dont look liek it'll happen soon
I gave up on PC gaming a few years back, it was getting to expensive to keep upgrading every year.

I agree, it would be very expansive to upgrade every year, on the other hand you can leave you PC as it is (just like a console) or upgrade it to be way out of reach for any console. I really don't think you can compare a gaming PC with a console.

For 3D gaming, I hope there will be great games and affordable prices soon.
Best decision I made was taking an old HP 1st generation i7, updating the powersupply, updating the motherboard, updating to the i5 4th generation and adding a Solid State C:\ drive (Windows 7, not Windows 8).
Also added a card to enhance all USB to USB 3.
Got each item on sale, this is really nice at this point.

The 3D graphics card is under research.
the new IPS Monitors allow 3D with normal polarized lens (movie glasses).
They are now only coming out with 24", industry has 34" in the process. The IPS are manufactured with HP Injet technology, super thin, edge to edge (0.05 cm border).

However, Microsoft just purchased a company that patented and developed what is described as a new 3D technology, requires not glasses. My source indicates it is based on holography. I use to work with laser holography photography. Still have some nice holography wall photos hanging I purchased at the Dallas, Texas Holography Museum (now closed). We kind of saw a departure of the holographic still technology due to the complexity involved. If Microsoft's new company figured out how to make programmable interference patterns in light waves on a transparent sheet, this could be a major breakthrough and the first real change in displays since the CRT. The LED just mimics the CRT pixel pattern.
We can only hope they don't take too long to bring out a new product.

Was impressed that there is now a Dummies book about this: http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/string-theory-inside-a-hologram.html
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