A dream: What I do miss about Access. (3 Viewers)


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Local time
Today, 18:14
Jan 6, 2022
I'm a novice Access user and my dreams are not as necessary as most of you, but well I do miss some functionalities being added to Access.
I know guys in control don't hear us, no matter how loud we shout. After all it took them more than 20 years to add a decent sql editor (which still is not decent).
I also am aware these are only dreams and will never come true, but at least mentioning my expectations here, can be a relief for me. I can say I asked for it, nobody answered.

I think Access can be better with these options:
  1. Search utility for vba project window
    When you have a large project with hundreds of forms, reports, modules, .... it's a pain to find a specific object in the tree. A search box like navigation bar can help a lot.
  2. An option for hiding Type column from Locals window
    If I'm debugging a code, I know my variable data types. The Type column takes one third of the width of Locals window, and every time I'm debugging, I have to drag and minimize it to be able to see Value column better (specially for variables holding sql statement or strings). Frequently I have to add a Debug.Print to see the actual value that is not fit in the width of Value column.
  3. Being able to delete alias from query design
    When I inherit a database, or open a query that I've written long ago and uses alias for tables, and it has a complicated sql, It's more understandable to see the actual table names instead of a one letter alias. I prefer to see tblOrders.RegisteredOn rather than o.RegisteredOn. Some of you may have a intel core I15 brain and don't need it, but still I think clicking a table in a query design view and deleting the alias in property sheet, should revert the actual table name, instead of an error.
  4. Having a way to list all functions in a project and search through them
    At present, I use a table for this purpose. Any time I add a sub/function, I have to add it to a table to be able to track it.
    When you want to add a functionality to your database, you write a new code that certainly calls some functions. You remember a lot of your functions, but my money is on nobody remembers a function he/she has written 10 years ago. So mostly we end up having duplicate functions that do the same task. I know your suggestion would be use a meaningful function name, but still there's a good possibility to end up functions doing similar tasks in a database with thousands and thousands of lines of code.
  5. Keyword highlighting in vbe
    Clicking a keyword/variable..... , highlights all instances of the keyword in current function/sub. Even an application as simple as notepad++ can do it. why not Access?

What do you need to be added to current functionality of Access?
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Not sure if this helps with number 4, but if I remember the name of a function I created a long time ago but not sure if I already put it in the current database, what I do is type its name in the Immediate Window and then hit Shift+F2 to quickly find it.
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but if I remember the name of a function
That is my problem right there. That's a big IF.
The problem is one may have forgotten he's written a function with similar or exact same functionality several years ago.

A while back, I wrote a function to zip and add a password to a drawing and send it by mail. For this task, I wrote a function to find where the drawing is saved based on several rules to be able to zip it.
It was only days later that I found I had a function with a slightly different name to find the saved drawing on server.
I create a lot of standard modules and application specific. Example
Then if I know the procedure deals with form manipulation I simply type "MdlFormUtilities." And use intellisense.
Do you use MZtools, rubberduck, or any Other Vbide addins?
It isn't hard to write a sub to read the VBA to list all the functions in a project and write them to a table. The parameter names and their datatypes could be included as fields.

Every Access developer should get the free V-tools plugin. Total Deep Search is incredibly useful an has a Replace function that goes many places where the Access Search doesn't look.
Every Access developer should get the free V-tools plugin.

The following form is what I have at present.
I can type a word in the combo, and press enter. All the functions that contains the keyword in their name or purpose are shown.
In bellow screen shot, I've searched for Drawing and can see a list of functions I have. From there, I can check if I need a new function or use something I already have.
If I search the project for Drawing keyword with MZ-Tools, I receive 1,828 hits. That doesn't help much.
Does V-Tools has an option to search only for functions/Subs names?

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Take a look at Twin Basic. You could create an Add-In that helps with some of those. However, I do certainly believe the VBE is outdated as hell.
What do you need to be added to current functionality of Access?
> Code folding: collapsing blocks of code
> Multi cursor: editing multiple parts of the code simultaneously with the same keystrokes
> Listing methods in the debuggers
> Code completion
> Ctrl + Click to go to the definition

And more
It's time to update the VBA editor. In principle, Microsoft already has a suitable basis: the Monaco Editor.
However, my hope that Microsoft will come up with optimizations for the VBA editor is close to zero.

I have more hope for the project by Wayne Phillips (for me the real "master of VBA/VBIDE universe" ;)): "twinBasic for applications"

A quick side thought:
What is Microsoft doing right now? ... They want to reactivate the version control system they shut down some time ago (and hopefully make it better than before).
I see the positive side of this as a sign that they have once again recognized that Access can be used for application development. But how high is the demand for this adjustment? How many access developers actually use source code management? And among those who do, who really needs something new?
It would be more helpful, for example, to optimize the VBA editor for the use of source code management. For example, the capitalization of code “words” (variables, function names, ...) should not be adjusted project-wide, but only where there is a reference. (My expectation that this will happen is close to 0.)

Fortunately, VBE add-ins are available.
In terms of Access, I would like to have for example controls like 'FlowLayoutPanel' or 'TableLayoutPanel' in Forms to better organize controls.

In VBA I miss e.g.:
- Reflection
- Programmatic access to the call stack
- Constructor/Parameter overloading
- Generic types
- Nullable types
- Support for the 'Decimal' type

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