ACC2000: cXListBar

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Dom DXecutioner

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Jun 25, 2007
ACC2000: cXListBar

Posted on 03/17/08 09:26 PM Attachment (0 downloads)
Posted by Dom DXecutioner - Utter Access Ruler
Posts: 1144 - Loc: California

Forum: User Interface Design • Edit
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The attached demo is an attemp at the visual style of the ListBar used in MS Outlook 2003/2007.

The idea was to display generic information such as data dictionaries with similarfields, i.e. Status, Categories, Priorities. In this case they all have some fields in common:

- recordID
- title
- description
- active
- recordCreateDate

The one field name that does change between data dictionary tables (in my case) is the ID fied, i.e., statusID, cateogoryID, priorityID.

This demo only supports this type of static structure, but you can expanded if you wish. This demo also uses conditional formatting to highlight the selected record.

It also exposes a [Selection] event, this is triggered on the [On Current] event of the listBar. The event will pass a filter with the primary key and the value, i.e., "statusID=1"; at that time, that was the only thing i could think of, well, first it was the primary key of the current record, but then i changed it... decisions, decisions

Also, the listBar displays the count of the records associated with it, you will; however, need to construct that in a query to display it correctly.

Anyway, take a look at the code and controls to really understand it... i wouldn't suggest using this in a real app, but i like the visual change, the most recent has icon support and other goodies.




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