Access 2007 - deleted a report, underlying query vanished. WTF?

Atomic Shrimp

Humanoid lifeform
Local time
Today, 10:36
Jun 16, 2000
I created a query and saved it

I used the report wizard to create a quick-and-dirty report from it, but then I decided I didn't like it - so I deleted the report.

I went to create a new report based on the same query and it just wasn't there any more. I had not been prompted to confirm deletion of the query, but it appears to have been deleted along with the report.

I tried it again with a small disposable query, but was unable to replicate the phenomenon - has anyone else seen this one?
I have never had this happen or heard of it either.

I have accidentally deleted the wrong objects. That is why I always create a backup of the database before I do any deletes or clean up stuff. I actually make backups before I open any database (that is not an MDE/ACCDE). I also back up at least every hour while developing. I have never lost anything so far because I have always been able to recover from a backup. :D
Do you by chance have Name AutoCorrect turned on? It shouldn't delete independent objects, but maybe it does.

Name AutoCorrect as implemented in Access by Microsoft is a feature that never should have existed. It is broken, it corrupts databases and it makes changes without the appropriate level of confirmation. If you turn it off, you have to compact the database, close Access and open it again in a new session (I'd compact again in that session, but I'm superstitious about this feature, which is so badly broken).

Of course, it may actually have nothing to do with your problem, but if it's ON, you should turn it OFF immediately.
Hmmm... Name Autocorrect *was* turned on... and it does sound like a possible culprit.

Does anyone know how I can configure Access not to set this by default for new databases?
Unforunately, you can't; you have to turn it off for every new database you make.

A 'workaround' is to hold a copy of "template database" which is already configured and instead of creating a new blank database, copy & rename the template.
Thanks for your help folks - I'll have to be wary of this in future...

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