Access changes formatting of a query and results in 'Jet engine cannot find...' error


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Today, 06:20
Aug 12, 2011
This is my first post, please bear with me if it is too wordy.

I am working in Access 2003. I have a Vendors table and a PurchaseOrders table in a one to many relationship. The PO table holds, among other fields, the amount of each order, amount closed (paid off) so far (some orders are paid off in parts) and a requisition number that identifies the fiscal year in which the order was placed (in format 2012.00# where '00#' is the unique requisition number for fiscal year 2012, for example). What I am trying to do is get a sum per vendor of all fiscal year 2012 orders and the total of these that is closed so far, and the same for previous fiscal years' orders. I then want to use the resulting fields SpentFy12, ClosedFy12, Spent_previous, Closed_previous in a VendorProfile form which will give the user a quick snapshot of all the open encumbrances per vendor.

I am trying to accomplish the Spent and Closed sums in two separate queries:

sum(P.POAmountActual) AS SpentFY12, 
sum(ClosedAmount) AS ClosedFY12
(Vendors AS V) LEFT JOIN 
(SELECT VendorName, POAmountActual, ClosedAmount FROM PurchaseOrders WHERE BHSRequisitionNum like '2012*' ) AS P 
ON V.VendorName=P.VendorName
GROUP BY V.VendorName;

(the query for the previous fiscal years is identical except for 'not like '2012*''.

The problem is that this query works just great when I format it like that and run it. Then, as soon as I close it and go to create a form based on this query, I get a
'the recordsource you specified does not exist' error. I go back to check what's wrong with the query and I can't run it! I get the following error:

"the jet engine cannot find the source table or query
'[SELECT VendorName, POAmountActual, ClosedAmount FROM PurchaseOrders WHERE BHSRequisitionNum like '2012*'; ]...'

What keeps happening is that Access keeps putting a semicolon at the end of the select statement that is in the right position of the LEFT JOIN and after it does that, it can't run the query. Once I open it in SQL view and change the formatting to the way I had it, it runs perfectly again, but as soon as I save and close, I get the same problem all over again.

I tried repair the database, but still getting the same outcome. Can anyone please help with this tricky situation?
Thank you so much in advance!
That's wierd.
See if it changes anything to structure the statement just a little differently ...
SELECT V.VendorName, 
sum(P.POAmountActual) AS SpentFY12, 
sum(ClosedAmount) AS ClosedFY12
FROM Vendors AS V LEFT JOIN PurchaseOrders As P
ON V.VendorName = P.VendorName
WHERE P.BHSRequisitionNum like '2012*'
GROUP BY V.VendorName;
See what I'm getting at there, removing the subquery and putting the where clause in the main query?
Hello, I tried that before and it returned only the vendors which had an order entered in 2012- just like an inner join would. However, I did figure this out- and it turned out to be something ridiculously simple. I used IIF() to define the Spent and Closed fields and put in the BHSRequisitionNum criteria in there:

sum(iif(BHSRequisitionNum like '2012*', P.AmountActual, Null))

and then the left join without any criteria. That seems to be the simplest answer.

Thank you for the feedback!

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