Access Europe User Group - Wed 6 Nov: An Image/Photo Cataloguer (Chris Arnold)


Local time
Today, 19:59
Jan 14, 2017
The next Access Europe User Group meeting will be on Wednesday 6 Nov 2024 starting at 18:00 UK time (6PM UTC) and finishing by 19:30 (7.30PM).

In this month's presentation, AWF Moderator, Chris Arnold, (AKA C_J_London) will demonstrate his very versatile image/photo cataloguer.

The cataloguer allows the user to catalogue the pictures – perhaps a place name, a project, a person, an event or maybe your trainspotting or floral collection.

It uses a legacy web browser control to display images and a continuous form as a multi value treeview control to provide selected cataloguing data and a ‘swipe right’ action to apply the selection to the image and a ‘swipe left’ option to delete unwanted images. Users have the option of physically deleting the images or simply removing them from the display. Similarly the user has the option to leave the images where they are or move them to a specified ‘catalogued’ folder.
For more details about the topic and speaker together with connection details for the meeting, please visit or

I hope you will join us on Wed 6th Nov for this session. For local start times, please check

The UK and Europe are now on Winter Time, as will be most of the USA next weekend. The start time in many countries will therefore be unaffected. However, please check local times carefully

Please also download and import this iCalendar (.ics) file to your calendar application e.g. Outlook.
Doing this will add a recurring event for the first Wed of each month at the correct time for your location/time zone.

The meeting will again be held on Zoom. When the time comes, you can connect using Join Zoom Meeting.
If you are asked, use: Meeting ID: 924 3129 5683 ; Passcode: 661210
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Regular AWF contributor and moderator Chris Arnold (AKA C_J_London) will be demonstrating his image / photo cataloguer to the Access Europe User Group at 18:00 (6 PM ) TODAY UK time

See post #1 for details and connection info. I hope you will join us
An updated version of the example app used by Chris in this presentation is now available from
The ExifTool utility used by the app is also available from the same location

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