access not recognising default printer through module code


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Today, 11:50
Aug 16, 2002
I have some code that cycles through a recordset and then prints out each a report for each school and saves it through acrobat distiller.
this all works fine except that access when I run this module will insist on popping up our hp printer rather than acrobat. The default is acrobat and when I click print in any other part of access eg a table then the dialog box pops up with acrobat pdf as the default, why is this code making the hp pop up first?

any ideas?

below is the code..

Private Sub KS4_Click()
Dim repQuery2 As QueryDef
Dim dBase2 As Database
Dim rsRep2 As DAO.Recordset
Dim strrep2 As String
Dim data2 As Integer
Dim KS4_iresponse1 As Integer
Dim KS4_iresponse2 As Integer

KS4_iresponse1 = MsgBox("Do you want to view all reports?", vbYesNo)
Select Case KS4_iresponse1
Case vbYes

Set dBase2 = CurrentDb()
Set repQuery2 = dBase2.QueryDefs("PDF_KS4_pdf_export")
Set rsRep2 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("1_KS4_PerformanceForms")

repQuery2.sql = "SELECT * FROM 2_KS4_report_query;"
DoCmd.OpenReport "KS4_report", acViewPreview

Case vbNo

KS4_iresponse2 = MsgBox("do you want to export all the files?", vbYesNo)

Select Case KS4_iresponse2
Case vbYes

Set dBase2 = CurrentDb()
Set repQuery2 = dBase2.QueryDefs("PDF_KS4_pdf_export")
Set rsRep2 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("1_KS4_PerformanceForms")

Do While Not rsRep2.EOF
data2 = rsRep2.Fields("DFES NO").Value
repQuery2.sql = "SELECT SCHOOL_BASE_DATA_SCHOOL_BASIC_DATA.DFES, * FROM 2_KS4_report_query INNER JOIN SCHOOL_BASE_DATA_SCHOOL_BASIC_DATA ON [2_KS4_report_query].estab = SCHOOL_BASE_DATA_SCHOOL_BASIC_DATA.DFES WHERE ((([2_KS4_report_query].estab)= " & data2 & "));"
DoCmd.Rename "KS4_" & data2, acReport, "KS4_report"
DoCmd.OpenReport "KS4_" & data2, acViewPreview
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdPrint
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdClose
DoCmd.Rename "KS4_report", acReport, "KS4_" & data2

Set rsRep2 = Nothing

Case vbNo

Set dBase2 = CurrentDb()
Set repQuery2 = dBase2.QueryDefs("PDF_KS4_pdf_export")
Set rsRep2 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("1_KS4_PerformanceForms")

repQuery2.sql = "SELECT SCHOOL_BASE_DATA_SCHOOL_BASIC_DATA.DFES, * FROM 2_KS4_report_query INNER JOIN SCHOOL_BASE_DATA_SCHOOL_BASIC_DATA ON [2_KS4_report_query].estab = SCHOOL_BASE_DATA_SCHOOL_BASIC_DATA.DFES WHERE ((([2_KS4_report_query].estab)=[Please Enter a DfES Number]));"
DoCmd.OpenReport "KS4_report", acViewPreview

End Select
End Select

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_KS4_Click
End Sub
Print Preview in AC2003 retains private printer setting.

I don't see anything in your code that explicitly selects a printer. So it simply prints to whatever is the default printer. Or does it?

I noticed you used:
DoCmd.OpenReport "KS4_" & data2, acViewPreview
followed by:
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdPrint

Here's what I discovered: if you are in Print Preview mode and change the target printer from the default printer to something else, that printer will be remembered as the preferred printer for the report. Where does it keep this information? I'm not certain but it must be with the report itself.

Try this: open your report in Print Preview mode manually then go to Printer Setup (in the menu or toolbar) and see what printer will be used by your report. I'll bet it isn't Adobe Distiller.

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