I'm only pulling one record at a time to be used by the VBA record set from Cloud SQL server, I'm using this strategy as per advice from this platform , yes there is an improvement , but the 10 seconds its taking to pull data is too much and users do like this.
Here is my simple Query:
If I convert it to a VIEW in SQL server cloud can I gain performance here, in any cases I will continue pulling one record at a time , lastly can a combo box be attached to a to View also even if in that area the combo box load with empty record until the users type in the first three characters only then can a short list is built
Here is my simple Query:
SELECT tblCustomerInvoice.InvoiceID, tblLineDetails.ItemesID, tblProducts.ProductName, tblProducts.ProductID, tblLineDetails.Quantity, tblLineDetails.UnitPrice, tblLineDetails.Discount, tblLineDetails.IsTaxInclusive, tblLineDetails.RRP, tblLineDetails.VAT, ((([Quantity]*[UnitPrice]))) AS TotalAmount, tblLineDetails.TaxClassA, tblLineDetails.TourismClass, tblLineDetails.ExciseClass, tblLineDetails.InsuranceClass, IIf([IsTaxInclusive]<0,"True","False") AS CGControl, tblProducts.BarCode, tblLineDetails.ESDPrice, tblLineDetails.Duty, tblCustomerInvoice.ReceiptType, tblCustomerInvoice.PaymentMode, tblCustomerInvoice.SalesType, tblCustomerInvoice.LocalPurchaseOrder, tblCustomerInvoice.Cashier, tblCustomerInvoice.BuyerTPIN, tblCustomerInvoice.BuyerName, tblCustomerInvoice.BuyerTaxAccountName, tblCustomerInvoice.BuyerAddress, tblCustomerInvoice.BuyerTel, tblCustomerInvoice.OrignalInvoiceCode, tblCustomerInvoice.OrignalInvoiceNumber, tblCustomerInvoice.TheNotes, tblCustomerInvoice.Moneytype, tblCustomerInvoice.FCRate
FROM tblCustomerInvoice INNER JOIN (tblProducts INNER JOIN tblLineDetails ON tblProducts.ProductID = tblLineDetails.ProductID) ON tblCustomerInvoice.InvoiceID = tblLineDetails.InvoiceID
WHERE (((tblCustomerInvoice.InvoiceID)=[Forms]![frmCustomerInvoice]![CboEsdInvoices]));
If I convert it to a VIEW in SQL server cloud can I gain performance here, in any cases I will continue pulling one record at a time , lastly can a combo box be attached to a to View also even if in that area the combo box load with empty record until the users type in the first three characters only then can a short list is built