Solved Access Security Notice


Local time
Today, 19:23
Feb 19, 2024

I have just split my database and created a .accde file to send out to users. However, when opening the .accde file the warning below pops up. When I click 'open' it takes me to the log in page which is fine but I'm trying to prevent users from having to click the message every time they want to log in. I would also like to be able to open it up to make some changes to the view etc to make it more secure but the warning pops up too when I hold down the shift key when opening.

Is there a way to prevent this from happening? When I open the front end .accdb file it doesn't happen but I'd rather not send this out to users.
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A. Is this in a trusted location?
b. Is the file marked as safe when downloaded?

Also, you don't (can't) make design changes to the ACCDE file. You keep the original ACCDB file and make design changes to that and then create a new ACCDE file to give to your users to replace the original ACCDE file they're using.
Also, you don't (can't) make design changes to the ACCDE file. You keep the original ACCDB file and make design changes to that and then create a new ACCDE file to give to your users to replace the original ACCDE file they're using.
Thanks, this is the first time I've done this so all info helps!
A. Is this in a trusted location?
b. Is the file marked as safe when downloaded?
The file is on our network in a folder I set up which I would assume is a trusted location but will check with our systems administrator. There's also no option in the properties to unblock the file.
The file is on our network in a folder I set up which I would assume is a trusted location but will check with our systems administrator. There's also no option in the properties to unblock the file.
You would do that yourself within Access.
The file is on our network in a folder I set up which I would assume is a trusted location but will check with our systems administrator. There's also no option in the properties to unblock the file.
Each user should have their own copy of the file on their local machine. You need to avoid users sharing the same physical file on the network. Is your database split to use two files.
Each user should have their own copy of the file on their local machine. You need to avoid users sharing the same physical file on the network. Is your database split to use two files.
The database is split into the back end, a front end .accdb file that I can use for future development and a front end .accde file for users. I know it would be ideal for me to send out a copy of the .accde file to all users but this isn't practical at the moment as the users don't have Access installed on their machines. Our users are also spread out across the country and, other than staff in head office, log in to a remote server to access the network. This is where the database will sit and be accessed by all users via a shared network drive.
You would do that yourself within Access.
How would I do that? This is the first time I've built an Access database so am really inexperienced. The information I've found online about making the folder a trusted location mentioned using the windows registry app.
The database is split into the back end, a front end .accdb file that I can use for future development and a front end .accde file for users. I know it would be ideal for me to send out a copy of the .accde file to all users but this isn't practical at the moment as the users don't have Access installed on their machines. Our users are also spread out across the country and, other than staff in head office, log in to a remote server to access the network. This is where the database will sit and be accessed by all users via a shared network drive.
If the data stored in your Access database is crucial to your business, then you may be playing Russian Roulette with that setup. If users don't have Access (even Runtime version) installed on their machines, then how could they even open your ACCDE file? If they VPN into the network, then they can have their own copy of the ACCDE in their profile folder.
All you need is runtime to run an accde.
If they are able to run on your shared network FE, then they can run it on their own PC.
Give them a shortcut that copies the FE and runs it on their own PC.

Do that now, before you come to regret not doing so.
As for trusted location, just Google that.
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as the users don't have Access installed on their machines
In that case they cannot open the .accde anyway. Would help if you clarified your actual setup with regards the remote server - if it is terminal server, everything would be run from there and users would log in with their own profile
The file is on our network in a folder I set up which I would assume is a trusted location but will check with our systems administrator.
You need to make it trusted yourself.
Go to Options, Trust center and set a trusted location there. Can't post a picture at the moment. Post back if you can't find the setting
You need to make it trusted yourself.
Go to Options, Trust center and set a trusted location there. Can't post a picture at the moment. Post back if you can't find the setting
I have found the information on the Microsoft Support website on how to do this but I'm a little apprehensive as in the 'Allow Trusted Locations on my network' checkbox it states that this is not recommended.

Is this due to security issues?
Well if you installed it correctly, it would not be on the network, would it? :)
I have found the information on the Microsoft Support website on how to do this but I'm a little apprehensive as in the 'Allow Trusted Locations on my network' checkbox it states that this is not recommended.
I think we've mentioned that the FE should not be installed on the network. That just adds unnecessary overhead to every operation the FE performs.

The recommended setup is a database or batch file that copies the master copy of the FE from the shared drive on the network to the user's local c drive and then opens the app. The FE is linked to a shared BE on the server.
The file is on our network in a folder I set up which I would assume is a trusted location but will check with our systems administrator. There's also no option in the properties to unblock the file.
check out Options > Trust Center Settings

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