"Action cannot be performed"


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 16:48
Jul 22, 2002
I got an access application running, the users are redirected to the different forms through a menu...

When a user opens a form and closes it again, the form is simply made invisible but is not 'closed' so to speak, when the user clicks the specific menu item again, the menu is shown again...

Now sometimes after some time a user gets "Action cannot be performed" each time he clicks one of the menu items, no matter which one, and access needs to be closed with ctrl-alt-del and reopenend before he can continue to use the application :(

The onClick procedure has the following code:
Private Sub CMDOpenBestelbon_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_CMDOpenBestelbon_Click

    Dim stDocName As String
    Dim stLinkCriteria As String

    stDocName = "Bestelbon"
    DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

    Exit Sub

    MsgBox Err.Description
    Resume Exit_CMDOpenBestelbon_Click
End Sub

What causes this and how can I solve it?
Is it the fact that the forms aren't closed (but made invisible) and reopened with DoCmd.OpenForm ? (I doubt it as most of the time opening & reopening all works fine) ...

Plz help :o

Hey TIA,

closing and re-opening usually work fine because the form is requeried and refreshed. Try adding:
and see if that helps.

Opening forms all at once or keeping them open and hidden can enhance the loading speed of that form but it can affect the general performance - I'm not sure if opening/closing causes fragmentation issues mind you. Is it really necessary to keep the forms open? Is the load speed affected much by closing and opening them instead of hiding / unhiding?
Fizzio said:
... Is the load speed affected much by closing and opening them instead of hiding / unhiding?
Yup, it's quite a serious speed improvement...

I don't think it's the fact i'm hiding the forms that's causing the problems however because most of the time the problem doesn't occur, my guess would be there's some sort of action still going on that's keeping the showing of the form from being executed...

BTW: TIA = Thanks In Advance, it's not my name ;)
Just a thought - but perhaps it's because you are constantly asking access to open files that are already open.

Try replacing your DoCmd statement (from your first post) with:
Forms(stDocName).Visible = True

In your main form (in the Form_Load), open your form and then make it hidden, like this:

stDocName = "Bestelbon"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName
me.visible = false

Let me know if this solves it or if you'd like more in-depth instructions!


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