Activate set of fields when a specific field is activated


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Today, 09:49
Sep 16, 2012

Does any one could help me to write a VBA code to control a set of fields in the form when a specific check box in selected.For example if payment is already made by a person then a group of field has to be activated, otherwise remain inactive.
Private Sub Form_Current()
Dim IsActive As Boolean
  IsActive = Not IsNull(Me.ControlName)

  'Activate/Dezactivate necessary controls
  Me.Control1.Enabled = IsActive
  Me.Control2.Enabled = IsActive
  Me.Control3.Enabled = IsActive
End Sub

Private Sub ControlName_Change()
Dim IsActive As Boolean
  IsActive = (Me.ControlName.Text <> "") 'Maybe there are necessary more tests

  'Activate/Dezactivate necessary controls
  Me.Control1.Enabled = IsActive
  Me.Control2.Enabled = IsActive
  Me.Control3.Enabled = IsActive
End Sub
If the number of Controls to be Enabled/Disabled make coding each one separately an onerous task, you can loop through all Controls and Enable/Disable selected ones by marking them using their Tag Property.

Start by setting the Tag Property of the Controls you want to loop thru to some arbitrary word. In this sample we'll use CLoop.

In Design View, select all of the Controls you want to loop thru, then goto Properties – Other and in the Tag Property box type in CLoop, without quotation marks. Then use this code, in the AfterUpdate event of your Checkbox. You'll need to replace CheckBoxName, in the code, with the actual name of your Checkbox:

Private Sub CheckBoxName_AfterUpdate()

Dim ctl As Control

If Me.CheckBoxName = -1 Then

 For Each ctl In Me.Controls
  If ctl.Tag = "CLoop" Then
    ctl.Enabled = True
  End If
 Next ctl


 For Each ctl In Me.Controls
  If ctl.Tag = "CLoop" Then
    ctl.Enabled = False
  End If
 Next ctl

End If

End Sub
Now only the Controls with the tag CLoop will be Enabled/Disabled. To selectively loop thru a different groups of Controls, to do different things, you can assign different Tags to different groups and code accordingly.

To maintain Record-appropriate formatting, you'll also need to have this same code in the Form_Current event.

Linq ;0)>
If the number of Controls to be Enabled/Disabled make coding each one separately an onerous task, you can loop through all Controls and Enable/Disable selected ones by marking them using their Tag Property.

And linq's code can be more than halved again.

Dim ctrl as Control

For Each ctl In Me.Controls
  If ctl.Tag = "CLoop" Then
    ctl.Enabled = Me.checkboxname
  End If

And halved again at this point:
To maintain Record-appropriate formatting, you'll also need to have this same code in the Form_Current event.

Put the code in a single separate sub and run the sub from the two different events.
BTW Another alternative to selecting with the Tag property is to use a naming pattern.
For example:
If Left(ctrl.Name, 3) = "xyz" Then[/quote]
I use a bit of code like this:

Private Sub lockToggle()
  Dim isLocked as Boolean

  isLocked = (Me.chkLocked)
' isLocked = (Len(Me.myTextBox & vbNullString) = 0)
 ' or some other Boolean test

  Me.myField01.Enabled = isLocked
  Me.myField02.Enabled = isLocked
  Me.myFieldnn.Enabled = isLocked
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Current()
End Sub

Private Sub someControl_Click()
End Sub

Naming conventions are also good for other purposes too:

Read only fields xxxx_ro - If (Right(myControl.Name, 3) = "_ro") Then myControl.Locked = true
I also made the background colour light blue to signify a read only field

Mandatory fields xxxx_mn - Check field in _BeforeUpdate routine, if no entry then exit with a message and cancel the update.
I also made the background colour yellow to signify a mandatory field

Groups of similarly named controls, i.e.


You can loop through each control and address it as Me.Controls("myControl" & Format(myIndex, "000"))
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And linq's code can be more than halved again.

For Each ctl In Me.Controls
  If ctl.Tag = "CLoop" Then
    [B][COLOR="Red"]ctl.Enabled = Me.checkboxname[/COLOR][/B]
  End If

The first problem with this is that you have to allow for the user making a mistake, i.e. ticking the Checkbox, then unticking it, so you have to be able to use an If...Then...ElseIf...EndIf construct, against the checkboxname value, and if you're already doing that,

ctl.Enabled = Me.checkboxname

isn't really much of a shortcut.

Secondly, you can't use

ctl.Enabled = Me.checkboxname

in every situation; using it where checkboxname is neither True nor False, i.e. when it is Null, will pop an error, as you cannot set a Property to Null. In my dotage, I find that using one bit of code, to accomplish a given task, in all situations, is preferable to using two or three hacks, depending on the situation, assuming this is possible.

Lastly, when I started using it, a while back, I got tired of people following in my footsteps asking what the $%^&* it meant!

It's a clever shortcut, and in the days of 10 mg hard drives, when we counted every character we used, in code, and had contests to see who could accomplish a task using the fewest keystrokes, it would have been popular. But in today's environments, where a single PC has more memory than all of the computers used to put men on the moon, combined, I prefer for code to be as self-explanatory as possible, even when a few extra characters are necessary.

And, yes, you could put it in a separate sub and call it from each event, but see the previous paragraph. If I were calling it from half-a-dozen events, that would be a different story.

As for using Control names like


most of us advise OPs, all the time, about giving Controls names that reflect their use/meaning. Using this type of thing to save a few keystrokes is just counterproductive, in the long run.

Most of the above, excepting the first paragraph, I think, is just my opinion, of course, and your mileage may vary! :D

Linq ;0)>
The post was about examples of different naming conventions.

As for using Control names like


most of us advise OPs, all the time, about giving Controls names that reflect their use/meaning. Using this type of thing to save a few keystrokes is just counterproductive, in the long run.

What I said was ...

Groups of similarly named controls, i.e.


You can loop through each control and address it as Me.Controls("myControl" & Format(myIndex, "000"))

And there are times where this is appropriate. The main times I use this sort of naming is when there are groups of controls with the same function, for instance if I were creating a form to build an SQL string.

It may be a bit more technical than a lot of people use, but a function like this ...

Private Function buildWhereClause()
  Dim intIndex as Integer, intMax as Integer
  Dim strWhere as string

  strWhere = ""

  For intIndex = 1 to n '(where n is a number)

    If Len(strWhere & vbNullString) > 0 Then strWhere = strWhere " AND "
    strWhere = strWhere & Me.Controls("Field" & Format(intIndex, "00"))
    strWhere = strWhere & " " & Me.Controls("Operator" & Format(intIndex, "00"))
    strWhere = strWhere & " '" & Me.Controls("Value" & Format(intIndex, "00")) & "'"
  Next intIndex

  If Len(strWhere & vbNullString) > 0 Then strWhere = " WHERE "  & strWhere

  buildWhereClause = strWhere

End Function

Could turn this

"Country", "=", "Uk" (Field01, Operator01, Value01)
"ShipmentId", "=", "012345" (Field02, Operator02, Value02)
"ShipName", "=",  "Fort Knox" (FieldNN, OperatorNN, ValueNN)

Into this

WHERE Country = "Uk" AND ShipmentId = "012345" AND ShipName = "Fort Knox"
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