AfterUpdate 2007 Question


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 09:29
Jan 29, 2010
I am using access to do a timesheet database for work. I simply have a table with the fields TimesheetID(PK), WeekEnding, Day, HoursWorked, Paid. I just imported the data from an excel spreadsheet then made a query with all the fields included. I then made a form with a combo box displaying the WeekEnding dates with DISTINCT unbound. Then I put a list box to display the rest. I can't remember the coding for the AfterUpdate to populate the list box and the one I found was
Private Sub cboWeekEnding_AfterUpdate()
Me.lstData1.RowSource = "SELECT TimesheetID, WeekEnding, Day, Hours " & _
" FROM qryTimesheet" & _
" WHERE WeekEnding = " & Me.cboWeekEnding & _
" ORDER BY TimesheetID"
End Sub
but it doesn't work. I set the criteria for WeekEnding in the query as [Forms]![frmTimesheetView]![cboWeekEnding] but that makes the form come up blank so I removed it. And yes the control source for the form is set to qryTimesheet. So I removed the [Forms] statement and the afterupdate command doesn't seem to want to work. Nothing happens.

Please help

Try Me.lstData1.Requery after changing the rowsource...

Simon B.

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