Alex Jones and equal justice


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Sep 28, 1999
Alex Jones, the well known right-wing conspiracy theorist, was hit hard with legal challenges for his comments about Sandy Hook being a fake event. In a judgement aganist him, he was ordered to pay the Sandy Hook families nearly $1.5 billion, a completely excessive amount for a private individual fork out.

Will the same treatment be given to the numerous liberals who claimed that the Trump assassination attempt was "staged"?
Alex Jones, the well known right-wing conspiracy theorist, was hit hard with legal challenges for his comments about Sandy Hook being a fake event. In a judgement aganist him, he was ordered to pay the Sandy Hook families nearly $1.5 billion, a completely excessive amount for a private individual fork out.

Will the same treatment be given to the numerous liberals who claimed that the Trump assassination attempt was "staged"?
Nope they won't. The judgement against Guiliani was ridiculous. Conservative victims get squat.
According to liberal philosophy, you CAN'T be a victim unless you're black, gay, minority, person of color, etc.
It's part of their brainwashing critical race theory.

Of course the irony of it all is the contradiction they can't seem to see: If you can only be a proper victim by being a minority, doesn't that convey a major Privilege to them? I'd say so!

(PS I'm reddish pink and I think I'm beautiful!! why am I not a person of color??)
According to liberal philosophy, you CAN'T be a victim unless you're black, gay, minority, person of color, etc.
It's part of their brainwashing critical race theory.

Of course the irony of it all is the contradiction they can't seem to see: If you can only be a proper victim by being a minority, doesn't that convey a major Privilege to them? I'd say so!

(PS I'm reddish pink and I think I'm beautiful!! why am I not a person of color??)
What about those of us who look like minorities but aren't? I'm olive skinned of Italian descent. I've been told that I am Mexican, Hispanic, Arab, etc. When traveling, when they learn of my Italian descent and that I'm from Chicago, then I'm a member of the Mafia (this I have lots fun with because then I talk like one and they get scared).
Heck, I should count as disadvantaged. I'm white, retired, and not a millionaire. I'm accused of being responsible for the ills of this country because I am White, Anglo-Saxon, and (originally) Protestant. Everybody dumps on my social group. Doesn't THAT make me disadvantaged?
Heck, I should count as disadvantaged. I'm white, retired, and not a millionaire. I'm accused of being responsible for the ills of this country because I am White, Anglo-Saxon, and (originally) Protestant. Everybody dumps on my social group. Doesn't THAT make me disadvantaged?
LOL! Yes - me too. White, male, Christian, straight - it doesn't get any scarier or more oppressive than that, does it??
In your comparison....

1a) Alex Jones routinely and repeatedly lied.
1b) As a direct result of his lies, Sandy Hook victims' families were routinely and repeatedly harassed by his fans.

2a) 'Numerous liberals' lied.
2b) No harm or injured party was identified.

Should the same treatment be given?
One question that has always flummoxed me is why are women often described as a minority? There are more women in the world, and in most countries, than men!

This is not to say that they aren't regularly disadvantaged.
In your comparison....

1a) Alex Jones routinely and repeatedly lied.
Like the liberals I mentioned.

1b) As a direct result of his lies, Sandy Hook victims' families were routinely and repeatedly harassed by his fans.
And you think Trump is not harassed? Just look at the endless online comments, and video coverage of well known liberals claiming it was staged.

2a) 'Numerous liberals' lied.
This is true.

2b) No harm or injured party was identified.
Apart from Trump. Or doesn't he count anymore? People slurring his reputation by saying he staged it...defamation. You can't see the harm because you have dehumanised him.

What about the harm to the family of the man who was killed? Was that fake, like Alex Jone's Sandy Hook claims?

Should the same treatment be given?
Liberals have been repeating the mantra of, "Equal justice under the law", "No one is above the law" for ages now. Do you believe it should only work in one direction?
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One question that has always flummoxed me is why are women often described as a minority? There are more women in the world, and in most countries, than men!
Doesn't THAT make me disadvantaged?
Let's not also think about what the Women's movement calls you;)
One question that has always flummoxed me is why are women often described as a minority? There are more women in the world, and in most countries, than men!
I guess the concept of victim and minority go back at least to the 60's. That is when women were railing against being victims of the male patriarchy. I can attest to the veracity of the complaints. The stories are amusing now in the retelling but they weren't so funny when I was being denied credit cards and telephone service among other things despite having a solid, professional, job that paid five times the minimum wage at the time. I learned the words "let me speak to your supervisor" when I was 22.
Let's not also think about what the Women's movement calls you

I would hope they would use the same description for me as was used for Earth in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

(If you didn't read that or have forgotten... "Mostly harmless.")

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