Allow form to modify a table, while fetching data from another


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Today, 06:19
Feb 21, 2012

I have a table called Inventory and Transactions. I want to create a form where I read certain product detail from Inventory,add details like Date,quantity etc. and save the whole record to the Transaction table.

Can I retrieve linked values? eg. Product AND its price,from the Inventory Table into a form which is bound to the Transaction Table?

I'm using MS Access 2010.

Any suggestions?
Create a query which gathers the related fields you need and use that as the form's record source. It not a good idea to copy data between tables a a rule - better to link the output field to the original source (i.e. a pointer from the output table to the source table).
So Can I enter data into a query?? just like I save records to a table?
You can treat a Query the same as a Table.

Both Tables and Queries show data that is stored in the Database. They just do some different things.

Can I retrieve linked values? eg. Product AND its price,from the Inventory Table into a form which is bound to the Transaction Table?

You don't need to save all that information. All you need is the Primary from the Inventory Table.

This link may help.

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