Alt Codes For special characters, Not All Work


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 02:47
May 2, 2010

I use Alt codes to get special characters, i.e. Half ½, Quaterter ¼ etc.

alt+171 = Half work OK
alt+172 = quarter work OK

but 1/3 one third & 2/3 two thirds no NOT work
alt+8531 (gives a normal Caps S) & 8532

When entering data in a form or anywhere in Access, even in VBA code view not all my alt codes work.
They do work in Word and elsewhere but not in access.

Some time ago they use to work but can't remember when they stopped.

Normal desktop keyboard & laptop with numeric keyboard on right, 3 or 4 other PC's and does not work.

Quite a lot of other 4 digit codes do give special characters but don't seem to match those of char charts I find online.
I can use the Windows Character map to copy & paste.
Fairly sure the Font is OK for them.

Access settings seems to be UK keyboard, not sure if there are other settings.

Windows 8.1 but same on 8.0 before upgrade.

English, UK Keyboard.

Any ideas, been trying to do this for ages now.

Thanks I/A

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