In the code below, I am using an alias for the table name, Thank you Plog.
That all works fine but I need to include the table name in the file "NoMatchTemp" using an expression.
All my attempts, so far, have resulted in the literal expression being transfered, or [A], as in the code I get a dialog asking for the name of A.
Enclose it in inverted commas and I get "A" or & sTable & .
So, how do I use either the alias or the variable as input to the "as exp" statement.
I have also tried creating a second variable holding the table name with the same result.
That all works fine but I need to include the table name in the file "NoMatchTemp" using an expression.
All my attempts, so far, have resulted in the literal expression being transfered, or [A], as in the code I get a dialog asking for the name of A.
Enclose it in inverted commas and I get "A" or & sTable & .
So, how do I use either the alias or the variable as input to the "as exp" statement.
I have also tried creating a second variable holding the table name with the same result.
sQry = "INSERT INTO NoMatchTemp (Family, Genus, Corrected_Family, Taxon_Family, TableName) " & " " & _
"SELECT A.Family, A.Genus, Bad_Family.Corrected_Family,, [A] AS exp" & " " & _
"FROM ([" & sTable & "] AS A LEFT JOIN Bad_Family ON A.Family = Bad_Family.Family) LEFT JOIN Taxon ON A.GENUS = Taxon.genus" & " " & _
"GROUP BY A.Family, A.Genus, Bad_Family.Corrected_Family,, Bad_Family.Family" & " " & _
"HAVING Bad_Family.Family = A.Family" & " " & _
"ORDER BY A.Family, A.Genus"