Application specific to own business


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Local time
Tomorrow, 06:07
May 10, 2008
I am trying to figure out a way to set up an application that handle cost management of our business. We have serviced apartments and when I get a group bill say for electricity I want to record it as one payment but for different apartments,billing days,etc. Then have reports that give me daily breakdowns of costs associated with specific apartments. I have set up some tables but it is doing my head in trying to learn VB and the association between what access sets up and where code comes in. I use to program in dBase IV many years ago (Dos days and early windows) but this is all too fancy for me at the moment.
Any ideas from anyone where to start - dont say give up.

As with all small business owners, we always have to work out where our time is better spent, however this would be a really handy tool.:)

Wow melbourne... :)

Say, you using DBase 4 and stuff... Do you know how to normalize your information??

Starting at the base is allways a good idea, Normalizing is ground level for databases.

NB - Thats me in the header of the post (i.e Paul) - i will get use to this soon
Thanks.I have forgotten most things but by normalising I think you mean setting up the tables with no duplicates and primary fields (id's). My tables are pretty good, but I am getting stuck on stupid things like I set the relationships between the tables (I only have 4 tables) and I went to set up a query based on 2 tables and just one field from the other two tables Payments/Invoices with a suppliers name from the suppliers table and a property name from the property table. So then I develop a form (using a wizard out of frustration) based on the qry and in design view I see every thing and in Form View it goes blank except for the header ??. And I havn't got into any coding yet.

Hope you do not mind these basic questions as this does seem to be a forum for seasoned vb guys (and gals).
"in design view I see every thing and in Form View it goes blank except for the header"

Unless there is actually data to display, the form is simply blank... Do you have data to display?
This sounds reasonable simple. If you only have four tables and don't mind how pretty the output is so long as you get the information you need then it should not be much trouble.
You need to put in effort to set up the relationships - that will make everything else much easier. Then learn how to use queries. Back up everything every session so you don't go backwards. Keep two versions of your database. One with the stuff that is actually useful for your business and one to play with new queries etc. Only transfer a query to the business database when you know that it gives what you need for the business. Forget VB for now - life is too short. Invest in something like Access for Dummies. Its cheap and will save you hours.

Finally if you can't achieve everything you want right now then settle for 80% and don't throw away the calculator.
Hi Dsigner1 - wisdom always prevails. I have spent a lot of time already trying to find programs etc so what you suggests sounds like experience. I will follow you suggestion and then down the track if I have time look at VB - Maybe a good retirement pastime.

All the best - Thanks

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