Hello ACCESSWorld Gurus, out there,
This is my first posted thread on this great forum. I am looking forward to receiving advice or direction from anyone who can identify and assist in resolving the issue that I am having with the development of a somehow very complex procedure in my MS Access Database.
The issue I am having is in creating an expression for a Public Function in a SQL query which I am calling from a VBA code module. To make it easy to understand what the issue is, I am providing the following details that explain the developed procedure and also an example which I did and attached to this thread as an Excel file. The example demonstrates the exact output results that I expect when I would run the SQL query. The following are the details:
1. I wrote a SQL query by the name ‘qry_QA_CONC_MovingStdDev’ which brings data from a Table with name ‘tbl_QA_CONC_Concrete_AnalysisData’. This Table has the following control fields described by their type:
- [ID_Record] – Type AutoNumber - Long Integer
- [ID_MixCode] – Number - Long Integer
- [ConcretePourDate] – Date/Time - Short Date
- [CompressiveStrength(MPa)] - Number – Double
The following is the SQL query that I created to return the values of a calculated moving standard deviation (refer step 2. below) by an Expression field with the name ‘MovingStdDev’:
2. I developed a VBA code as an approach to calculate a moving standard deviation which I refer to in the VBA code as MovingStdDev. The calculation of MovingStdDev is based on the data from the above SQL query. The procedure in the VBA module calculates the moving standard deviation MovingStdDev of the ‘CompressiveStrength(MPa)’ field that must be partitioned by the ‘Text’ value of the field ‘MixCode’ and the expression field ‘PourMonthYear’ which is a ‘Date’ type “yyyy-mm”, and ordered by the ‘Date’ type field ‘ConcretePourDate’ on the basis that the count is equal or greater than 10 rows and the calculation of the standard deviation starts for ROWs BETWEEN 9 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW. In other words, the calculation of MovingStdDev is activated at the tenth row of the data range for the specific partition. Please see the example I provided in the attached Excel sheet.
The VBA code module is as follows:
3. I compiled the Database and debugged the above VBA code which resolved all compilation errors that existed.
4. I designed a macro named ‘PrintMovingStdDevPreview’ with the following actions step by step:
a. OpenQuery Action:
Action: OpenQuery
Query Name: qry_QA_CONC_MovingStdDev
View: Datasheet
b. PrintPreview Action:
Action: PrintPreview
5. The following captured screen shows the available references:
When I run the SQL query ‘qry_QA_CONC_MovingStdDev’, the macro ‘PrintMovingStdDevPreview’, or invoke the ‘CalculateMovingStdDev’ function in the VBA editor, I get for any of those actions the Microsoft Access error message Undefined function ‘CalculateMovingStdDev’ in expression. Showing in the following captured screen.
I am finding difficulty to determine the problem with the Expression that I have set in a column of the SQL query which I showed in the above step 1. The SQL query perfectly runs when I remove the expression that is supposed to return the values for the calculated moving standard deviation. I would greatly appreciate if someone can provide a clear direction on how to resolve the above issue. All what it wanted is to have the SQL query run and generate the calculated standard deviation by an expression function in a column similar to that shown in the attached Excel sheet example.
This is my first posted thread on this great forum. I am looking forward to receiving advice or direction from anyone who can identify and assist in resolving the issue that I am having with the development of a somehow very complex procedure in my MS Access Database.
The issue I am having is in creating an expression for a Public Function in a SQL query which I am calling from a VBA code module. To make it easy to understand what the issue is, I am providing the following details that explain the developed procedure and also an example which I did and attached to this thread as an Excel file. The example demonstrates the exact output results that I expect when I would run the SQL query. The following are the details:
1. I wrote a SQL query by the name ‘qry_QA_CONC_MovingStdDev’ which brings data from a Table with name ‘tbl_QA_CONC_Concrete_AnalysisData’. This Table has the following control fields described by their type:
- [ID_Record] – Type AutoNumber - Long Integer
- [ID_MixCode] – Number - Long Integer
- [ConcretePourDate] – Date/Time - Short Date
- [CompressiveStrength(MPa)] - Number – Double
The following is the SQL query that I created to return the values of a calculated moving standard deviation (refer step 2. below) by an Expression field with the name ‘MovingStdDev’:
SELECT tbl_QA_CONC_Concrete_MixDesignData.ID_MixCodeDesignRecord, tbl_QA_CONC_Concrete_MixDesignData.MixCode, tbl_QA_CONC_Concrete_AnalysisData.ConcretePourDate, Format([ConcretePourDate],"yyyy-mm") AS PourMonthYear, tbl_QA_CONC_Concrete_AnalysisData.[CompressiveStrength(MPa)], tbl_QA_CONC_Concrete_MixDesignData.NominatedStdDev, Round([NominatedStdDev],2)*1.29 AS [Upper Limit StdDev], CalculateMovingStdDev([MixCode],[PourMonthYear]) AS MovingStdDev
FROM tbl_QA_CONC_Concrete_AnalysisData LEFT JOIN tbl_QA_CONC_Concrete_MixDesignData ON tbl_QA_CONC_Concrete_AnalysisData.ID_MixCode = tbl_QA_CONC_Concrete_MixDesignData.ID_MixCodeDesignRecord
ORDER BY tbl_QA_CONC_Concrete_MixDesignData.ID_MixCodeDesignRecord, tbl_QA_CONC_Concrete_AnalysisData.ConcretePourDate, Format([ConcretePourDate],"yyyy-mm");
2. I developed a VBA code as an approach to calculate a moving standard deviation which I refer to in the VBA code as MovingStdDev. The calculation of MovingStdDev is based on the data from the above SQL query. The procedure in the VBA module calculates the moving standard deviation MovingStdDev of the ‘CompressiveStrength(MPa)’ field that must be partitioned by the ‘Text’ value of the field ‘MixCode’ and the expression field ‘PourMonthYear’ which is a ‘Date’ type “yyyy-mm”, and ordered by the ‘Date’ type field ‘ConcretePourDate’ on the basis that the count is equal or greater than 10 rows and the calculation of the standard deviation starts for ROWs BETWEEN 9 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW. In other words, the calculation of MovingStdDev is activated at the tenth row of the data range for the specific partition. Please see the example I provided in the attached Excel sheet.
The VBA code module is as follows:
Option Compare Database
Public Function CalculateMovingStdDev(MixCode As String, PourMonthYear As Date) As Double
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strSQLInner As String
Dim strSQLFinal As String
Dim MixCodeValue As String ' Declare MixCode here
Dim PourMonthYearValue As Date ' Declare PourMonthYear here
' Set the SQL query to fetch the data
strSQL = "SELECT qry_QA_CONC_PourMonthYear.* " & _
"FROM qry_QA_CONC_PourMonthYear;"
' Initialize the database and open the recordset
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
' Loop through the recordset and calculate the moving standard deviation
Do While Not rs.EOF
MixCodeValue = rs("MixCode") ' Assign value to MixCodeValue
PourMonthYearValue = rs("PourMonthYear") ' Assign value to PourMonthYearValue
' Build an inner SQL query to calculate the moving standard deviation
strSQLInner = "SELECT TOP 10 [CompressiveStrength(MPa)] " & _
"FROM qry_QA_CONC_PourMonthYear " & _
"WHERE MixCode='" & MixCodeValue & "' " & _
"AND PourMonthYear<='" & PourMonthYearValue & "' " & _
"ORDER BY PourMonthYear DESC;"
' Execute the inner query and calculate the standard deviation
Dim rsInner As DAO.Recordset ' Use a separate recordset for the inner query
Set rsInner = db.OpenRecordset(strSQLInner)
Dim DataArray() As Double
Dim i As Integer
ReDim DataArray(1 To 10)
i = 1
Do While Not rsInner.EOF And i <= 10 ' Ensure we don't exceed the array bounds
DataArray(i) = rsInner("CompressiveStrength(MPa)")
i = i + 1
' Calculate the standard deviation using the new method
MovingStdDev = NewStdDev(DataArray, i) ' Pass the number of elements in the array
' Do something with the MovingStdDev value for each row
Debug.Print "MixCode: " & MixCodeValue & ", PourMonthYear: " & PourMonthYearValue & ", MovingStdDev: " & MovingStdDev
' Clean up
Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
End Function
' Function to calculate the standard deviation of an array of values using Decimal data type
Private Function NewStdDev(DataArray() As Double, n As Integer) As Double
If n < 2 Then
' Handle the case when n is less than 2
NewStdDev = 0
Dim sum As Double
Dim sumSquares As Double
Dim mean As Double
Dim diff As Double
Dim variance As Double
sum = 0
sumSquares = 0
For i = 1 To n
If i >= LBound(DataArray) And i <= UBound(DataArray) Then ' Check array bounds
sum = sum + DataArray(i)
End If
Next i
mean = sum / n
For i = 1 To n
If i >= LBound(DataArray) And i <= UBound(DataArray) Then ' Check array bounds
diff = DataArray(i) - mean
sumSquares = sumSquares + diff * diff
End If
Next i
variance = sumSquares / (n - 1)
NewStdDev = Sqr(variance)
End If
End Function
3. I compiled the Database and debugged the above VBA code which resolved all compilation errors that existed.
4. I designed a macro named ‘PrintMovingStdDevPreview’ with the following actions step by step:
a. OpenQuery Action:
Action: OpenQuery
Query Name: qry_QA_CONC_MovingStdDev
View: Datasheet
b. PrintPreview Action:
Action: PrintPreview
5. The following captured screen shows the available references:
When I run the SQL query ‘qry_QA_CONC_MovingStdDev’, the macro ‘PrintMovingStdDevPreview’, or invoke the ‘CalculateMovingStdDev’ function in the VBA editor, I get for any of those actions the Microsoft Access error message Undefined function ‘CalculateMovingStdDev’ in expression. Showing in the following captured screen.
I am finding difficulty to determine the problem with the Expression that I have set in a column of the SQL query which I showed in the above step 1. The SQL query perfectly runs when I remove the expression that is supposed to return the values for the calculated moving standard deviation. I would greatly appreciate if someone can provide a clear direction on how to resolve the above issue. All what it wanted is to have the SQL query run and generate the calculated standard deviation by an expression function in a column similar to that shown in the attached Excel sheet example.