I don't think you are getting this. This is two 1 to many relationships.
Workers table
Projects table
WorkedBy table
Workers 1 --- N WorkedBy N ---1 project.
There is NO direct relationship between the workers table and the projects table. (Well, there's a M:N correspondence, but we can't represent that in a relational database.)
Each worker is associated with multiple projects.
Each project has multiple workers.
Even if a worker is assigned to a single project only, when that project completes he will be assigned to a new project.
Even if you employ a worker and he only ever works on one project this is an unusual special case. In general your workers will be associated with more than one project.
You need to stop thinking about 1:1 relationships, because they are just mirages. All relationships are really 1 to many or many to many. A many to many will devolve into 2 x 1 to many. Therefore in a database all your relationships will be 1 to many.
If a worker starts on a project, I would add the date started to the row in the WorkedBy table. It's the date that the worker was assigned to the project (if that's the date you decide it should be). It's an attribute that's dependent on the worker and the project, so that's the only place it can be stored.
Having unassigned workers is nothing special. A worker does not have to be assigned to a project. You can find unassigned workers as they will have nulls against them if you create a query with a left join between Workers, and WorkedBy. (A standard unmatched query)