I’m building a database to track required training for employees. I have 3 main tables - Employees, Departments, and Courses and 3 junction tables – jnc_Employees_Departments, jnc_Employees_Courses, and jnc_Departments_Courses. The Employees table has a Hire_Date field. The Courses table has a Time_Frame field, which is numeric and represents the number of days within the Hire_Date that an employee should complete the course. The Courses are assigned to employees according to the Department they are a member of. If an employee is a supervisor, then he will be a member of two departments. Once an employee is hired, the clock starts for his/her required training. I will have a form to enter new employee data and a subform that lists the required trainings for each employee (one-to-many relationship of employee to courses). What I would like to happen is – once the Department value is selected in the main form (Employees table) – the required courses automatically get assigned to the employee in the subform (jnc_Employees_Courses). This is where I’m stuck. Once I’ve assigned the Department to an employee, I’d like the jnc_Employees_Courses table to auto-populate from the jnc_Departments_Courses table. I don’t want to have to manually select each course that the employee needs to take. Since my vba coding skill are limited, I’ve been searching the Internet for a solution close to what I need but haven’t found it. I’ve created a few records in the jnc_Employees_Courses table to illustrate what I’m looking for.
Any assistance you can provide is greatly appreciated!
Any assistance you can provide is greatly appreciated!